Compensation & other financial instruments

Key Papers
Alexander, J. S., B. Agvaantseren, E. Gongor, T. N. Mijiddorj, T. Piaopiao, S. Redpath, J. Young, and C. Mishra. 2021. Assessing the effectiveness of a community-based livestock insurance program. Environmental Management 68:87-99. External resource
Alexander, J. S., A. Bijoor, K. Gurmet, R. Murali, C. Mishra, and K. R. Suryawanshi. 2022. Engaging women brings conservation benefits to snow leopard landscapes. Environmental Conservation:1-7. External resource
Anthony, B. P., and L. Swemmer. 2015. Co-defining program success: identifying objectives and indicators for a livestock damage compensation scheme at Kruger National Park, South Africa. Journal for Nature Conservation 26:65-77. External resource
Badola, R., T. Ahmed, A. K. Gill, P. Dobriyal, G. C. Das, S. Badola, and S. A. Hussain. 2021. An incentive-based mitigation strategy to encourage coexistence of large mammals and humans along the foothills of Indian Western Himalayas. Scientific Reports 11:5235. External resource
Bauer, H., L. Muller, D. Van Der Goes, and C. Sillero-Zubiri. 2017. Financial compensation for damage to livestock by lions Panthera leo on community rangelands in Kenya. Oryx 51:106-114. External resource
Bhattarai, B. R., D. Morgan, and W. Wright. 2021. Equitable sharing of benefits from tiger conservation: beneficiaries’ willingness to pay to offset the costs of tiger conservation. Journal of Environmental Management 284:112018. External resource
Boitani, L., P. Ciucci, and E. Raganella-Pelliccioni. 2010. Ex-post compensation payments for wolf predation on livestock in Italy: a tool for conservation? Wildlife Research 37:722-730. External resource
Bulte, E. H., and D. Rondeau. 2005. Why compensating wildlife damages may be bad for conservation. Journal of Wildlife Management 69:14-19. External resource
Chen, S., Z. F. Yi, A. Campos-Arceiz, M. Y. Chen, and E. L. Webb. 2013. Developing a spatially-explicit, sustainable and risk-based insurance scheme to mitigate human-wildlife conflict. Biological Conservation 168:31-39. External resource
DeMotts, R., and P. Hoon. 2012. Whose elephants? Conserving, compensating, and competing in Northern Botswana. Society & Natural Resources 25:837-851. External resource
Dickman, A. J., E. A. Macdonald, and D. W. Macdonald. 2011. A review of financial instruments to pay for predator conservation and encourage human-carnivore coexistence. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 108:13937-13944. External resource
Groom, R., and S. Harris. 2008. Conservation on community lands: the importance of equitable revenue sharing. Environmental Conservation 35:242-251. External resource
Gulati, S., K. K. Karanth, N. A. Le, and F. Noack. 2021. Human casualties are the dominant cost of human–wildlife conflict in India. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 118:e1921338118. External resources
Harihar, A., D. Verissimo, and D. C. MacMillan. 2015. Beyond compensation: integrating local communities' livelihood choices in large carnivore conservation. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 33:122-130. External resource
Joshi, P., N. Dahanukar, S. Bharade, V. Dethe, S. Dethe, N. Bhandare, and M. Watve. 2021. Combining payment for crop damages and reward for productivity to address wildlife conflict. Conservation Biology. External resource
Karanth, K. K., A. M. Gopalaswamy, R. DeFries, and N. Ballal. 2012. Assessing patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation around a Central Indian protected area. Plos One 7. Download
Karanth, K. K., A. M. Gopalaswamy, P. K. Prasad, and S. Dasgupta. 2013. Patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation: insights from Western Ghats protected areas. Biological Conservation 166:175-185. External resource
Karanth, K. K., S. Gupta, and A. Vanamamalai. 2018. Compensation payments, procedures and policies towards human-wildlife conflict management: insights from India. Biological Conservation. External resource
Kshettry, A., N. Bhave, P. Das, and V. Athreya. 2021. Mahakal blessed my crop: community dynamics and religious beliefs influence efficacy of a wildlife compensation program. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Loch-Temzelides, T. 2021. Conservation, risk aversion, and livestock insurance: the case of the snow leopard. Conservation Letters. e12793. Download
Maclennan, S. D., R. J. Groom, D. W. Macdonald, and L. G. Frank. 2009. Evaluation of a compensation scheme to bring about pastoralist tolerance of lions. Biological Conservation 142:2419-2427. External resource
Marino, A., C. Braschi, S. Ricci, V. Salvatori, and P. Ciucci. 2016. Ex post and insurance-based compensation fail to increase tolerance for wolves in semi-agricultural landscapes of central Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62:227-240. External resource
Milheiras, S., and I. Hodge. 2011. Attitudes towards compensation for wolf damage to livestock in Viana do Castelo, North of Portugal. Innovation-the European Journal of Social Science Research 24:333-351. External resource
Nyhus, P., H. Fischer, F. Madden, and S. Osofsky. 2003. Taking the bite out of wildlife damage: the challenges of wildlife compensation schemes. Conservation in Practice 4:37-43. External resource
Ogra, M., and R. Badola. 2008. Compensating human-wildlife conflict in protected area communities: ground-level perspectives from Uttarakhand, India. Human Ecology 36:717-729. External resource
Pechacek, P., G. Li, J. S. Li, W. Wang, X. P. Wu, and J. Xu. 2013. Compensation payments for downsides generated by protected areas. Ambio 42:90-99. External resource
Ravenelle, J., and P. J. Nyhus. 2017. Global patterns and trends in human–wildlife conflict compensation. Conservation Biology 31:1247-1256. External resource
Rosen, T., S. Hussain, G. Mohammad, R. Jackson, J. E. Janecka, and S. Michel. 2012. Reconciling sustainable development of mountain communities with large carnivore conservation lessons from Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development 32:286-293. Download
Rust, N. A. 2015. Media framing of financial mechanisms for resolving human–predator conflict in Namibia. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20:440-453. Download
Schwerdtner, K., and B. Gruber. 2007. A conceptual framework for damage compensation schemes. Biological Conservation 134:354-360. External resource
Wilson-Holt, O., and P. Steele. 2019. Human-wildlife conflict and insurance. Can insurance reduce the costs of living with wildlife? IIED, London. Download
Books and book chapters
Nyhus, P. J., S. A. Osofsky, P. Ferraro, F. Madden, and H. Fischer. 2005. Bearing the costs of human–wildlife conflict: the challenges of compensation schemes. Pages 107-121 in A. Rabinowitz, R. Woodroffe, and S. Thirgood, editors. People and wildlife, conflict or co-existence? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. External resource