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Conference Videos
Major panel sessions
Opening and Closing Session
Opening session

Opening session

Synthesis & closing session

John Kamanga
A community governance perspective

Jonny Keeling
A documentary perspective

David Macdonald
A natural sciences perspective

Mariano Castro Jimenez
A policy perspective

Brian McQuinn
A peacebuilding perspective

Ganesh Ramani
A donor perspective

Ivonne Higuero
A resource economics perspective

Barbara Chesire
A social enterprise perspective

Gabriela Lichtenstein
A species perspective
Major Panel Sessions
EU Carnivores

What future for large carnivores in Europe?

The role of policies in mitigating human-wildlife conflict

The new IUCN SSC Guidelines on HWC

Next steps for HWC in the Global Biodiversity Framework

Resource mobilisation for HWC

Collaborating for coexistence across Latin America

The future of elephants and people in Africa and Asia
Working with stakeholders

Amal Dissanayaka
The changing role from defenders to challengers

Isla Hodgson
Thinking like a Local: an ethnographic approach to understanding conflicts

Katrina Marsden
Exchange between multi-level stakeholder platforms focusing on conflict species: learning from the EU Large Carnivore Platform experience

Bill Hunt
Managing grizzly bears and other large carnivores in Banff National Park - creating a toolkit for transboundary cooperation

Susan Canney
Managing HWC in the Sahel of central Mali: the Mali Elephant Project

Kai Williams
Changing the narrative: how wildlife rehabilitators help manage human-wildlife interactions
Understanding human dimensions and behaviour

Ruth Kansky
Factors driving tolerance of people towards damage causing mammalian wildlife – global case studies using the Wildlife Tolerance Model

Sayan Banerjee
'En-gendering’ human-wildlife conflict and implications to conservation

Nuno Miguel Negroes
Jaguar persecution without “cowflict”: insights from protected territories in the Bolivian Amazon
Human dimensions
Livelihoods and alternative sources of income

Graham McCulloch
Shifting the cost-benefit imbalance among communities living with elephants

Jane Horgan
Conservation challenges and opportunities to sustain wildlife biodiversity in the western Kalahari of Botswana

Craig Packer
Pastoralism in transition

Aletris Neils
How global markets inadvertently increased persecution of Namibian carnivores?
Understanding governance and HWC

Andreas Kranz
Current Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra) management in Austria

Arndt Feuerbacher
The potential of national HWC mitigation policies: the economy-wide effects of a large-scale electric fencing intervention in Bhutan

Steve Michel
A national strategy for human-wildlife coexistence in Canada's national parks

Michael 't Sas Rolfes
Mitigating HWC caused by institutional mismatch: addressing value conflicts in international wildlife trade policy

Richard Hoare
Principle lessons from 25 years of human-elephant conflict mitigation in Africa

Maria Semitiel-Garcia
Evaluation of the efficiency of governance in socio-ecological systems
Landscapes, spatial planning and connectivity

Anna Songhurst
Land use planning at the community-elephant interface

Leonard Usongo
Insecurity and challenges managing HWCs: the case of Waza National Park

Wong Ee Phin
Building a pathway to coexistence: wild elephant conservation and agriculture industry

Tal Polak
Managing cross-border human-wildlife conflicts under stressed geo-political conditions

Karoline Hemminger
Thinking beyond the nature reserve: how the world´s crane species interact with agriculture and what can be done to facilitate coexistence
Financial incentives and instruments

Ashok Subedi
Human-snow leopard conflict: existing scenario and management experience of Annapurna Conservation Area, Nepal

Ingela Jansson
Coexistence in crowded landscapes – challenges and opportunities for human-lion coexistence in Ngorongoro Conservation Area, Tanzania

Robyn Appleton
An applied conservation model for managing human-wildlife conflict affecting spectacled bears in northern Peru

Ezequiel Infantino
Wildlife-friendly livestock production helps conserve native wildlife and protect core habitats in the Chaco and Patagonia
Conflict resolution and transformation

Nuria Alonso Leal
Campo Grande Group: a dialogue platform for coexistence in Spain

Deborah Cox
“Where are the pigs?” Towards an integrated approach of wild boar management in multi-use landscapes

Juliette Young
Listening for understanding: mapping stakeholders positions in areas with conflicts over large carnivores

Jeremy Cusack
Measuring the intensity of conflicts in conservation

Yorck von Korff
New approaches that help social systems better understand themselves in the context of environmental mediation and natural resources management
Conceptual frameworks for HWC implementation

Chihiro Takahata
Key landscape features and factors of large carnivore occurrence in human-disturbed lands: A review and conceptual framework for spatial coexistence

Christian Lippert
Analytical framework to assess the profitability of fencing versus crop guarding strategies when hunting of crop-raiding herbivores is restricted

Eva Matsiko & Stacey Oliver
Applying the best-fit instruments to mitigate complex issues in HWC

Adam Grogan
International consensus principles for ethical wildlife control

Gladman Thondhlana
Non-material costs of wildlife conservation to local people and implications for conservation interventions
Behaviour change in HWC

Diogo Verissimo
The Elephant Queen: can a nature documentary help mitigate human-elephant conflict?

Ewan Macdonald
Behaviour change in human-wildlife conflict: what can conservation learn from marketing?

Maureen W Kinyanjui
Improving the sustainability of human-elephant coexistence in the face of rapid social-ecological changes

Rebecca Sargent
Trialling an experimental game to examine pastoralists' preferences for human-lion coexistence strategies

Laura Perry
How to integrate behaviour change and social psychology into applied conservation practice
Culture and traditional knowledge

Sahil Nijhawan
Contested tigers, borderlands and 'development' in Northeast India

Kathryn Nelson
Culture and attitudes: building bridges to mitigate human-wildlife conflict

Saloni Bhatia
Examining values associated with large mammals in Trans-Himalayan folklore

Mariana Labao Catapani
Understanding superstitious beliefs about wildlife: the case of the giant anteater in the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul

Ashleigh Lutz-Nelson
Mobilizing traditional indigenous knowledge and practitioners for snow leopard conservation
A focus on carnivores

Chloe Lucas
Evaluating human-carnivore coexistence using a multi-stakeholder socio-ecological approach

Andrew Stein
Lions at the gates: trans-disciplinary design of an early warning system to improve human-lion coexistence

Andy Lee
New technologies to proactively prevent human-wildlife conflict

Iain Trewby
Learning lessons on facilitating coexistence with large carnivores in Romania’s South-Western Carpathians

Vincent van der Merwe
When does fencing and metapopulation management become necessary for the conservation of wild Cheetah (Acinonyx jubatus) populations?

Melissa Arias
Interplay between illegal jaguar trade and human-jaguar conflict in Bolivia
A focus on elephants

Lucy King
Introducing a new HEC Toolbox Book to enhance human-elephant coexistence

Eva Gross
Does guarding reduce crop losses due to wildlife? A comparative analysis from Africa and Asia

R Lynn Von Hagen
The path to coexistence: lessons from human elephant conflict research and community engagement in the Kasigau Wildlife Corridor (KWC), Kenya

Ganesh Raghunathan
Storm in a teacup: pro-active management strategies to mitigate human-elephant conflict in the Anamalais, south India

Mayukh Chatterjee
Mitigating human-elephant conflicts through long term community integration approaches in Assam India - the Assam Haathi Project

Loki Osborn
Testing ‘Disruptive Darting’ on elephants habituated to human activities in order to reduce lethal control in the KAZA landscape
A focus on reptiles

Gnaneswar Ch
Conservationists need to acknowledge snakebite as a human-wildlife conflict

Sumanth Bindumadhav
Wholistic approach to human-snake conflict resolution

Combining attack hotspots and media reporting to inform high-risk areas of human-crocodile conflict

Simon Pooley
Crocodiles conflict, compassion and coexistence
Hotspots and risk mapping of HWCs

Giulia Bombieri
Large carnivore attacks on humans: what are the main scenarios and how could we avoid them?

Lydia Tiller
Using elephant tracking data to understand human-elephant interactions in Kenya

Carlos Bautista
Multiscale approach to model the risk of predation of a very small livestock: beehives and brown bears in North-East Carpathians

Mauro Lucherini
Addressing puma-livestock conflicts across the Americas
Communities, partnerships and coexistence

Angelique Todd
Transformation of agricultural practices and livelihoods towards resolving human-wildlife conflict in Guinea and Uganda

Ian Temby
Cockatoo college: learning from corellas

Snowy Baptista
Conflict to coexistence: learning to live with leopards in Mumbai city

Samara P. El Haddad
Assessing effectiveness of wildlife rescue initiatives in Lebanon

Santiago Zuluaga
Top-down local management, perceived contribution to people, and actual detriments influence a rampant human‒top predator conflict in the Neotropics
Barriers, repellents, deterrents and other damage control methods

Eric G. LeFlore
Human dimensions of human-lion conflict in the Okavango Delta, Botswana

Wijeyamohan Shanmugasundaram
Success of vertically hanging electric fence to mitigate HEC

Giovanna Massei
The other side of human-wildlife conflicts: a global perspective on fertility control to manage overabundant wildlife

Ujjal Kumar Sarma
Voluntary relocation as a counter-intuitive approach to mitigating HWC in protected areas: ‘Lifeworld’ experiences from Satpura Tiger Reserve, India

Aida Ghani Quilter
Evidence-based policy and protocols for Human-elephant conflicts (HEC): lesson learnt from the world’s largest producer of Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO)

Sarah L. Jacobson
Using a behavioral and cognitive perspective to shift human-elephant conflict to coexistence in Thailand

Bhaskar Choudhury
Effects of socio-ecological attributes on human-large carnivore conflict resolution outcomes – an analysis of cases in Assam, India
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