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Cultural dimensions


Key Papers

Aiyadurai, A. 2016. 'Tigers are Our Brothers': understanding human-nature relations in the Mishmi Hills, Northeast India. Conservation and Society 14:305-316.  Download

Álvares, F., J. Domingues, P. Sierra, and P. Primavera. 2011. Cultural dimension of wolves in the Iberian Peninsula: implications of ethnozoology in conservation biology. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research 24:313-331.  External resource

Athreya, V., S. Pimpale, A. S. Borkar, N. Surve, S. Chakravarty, M. Ghosalkar, A. Patwardhan, and J. Linnell, D.C. 2018. Monsters or Gods? Narratives of large cat worship in western India. Cat News 67:23-26.  External resource

Baynes-Rock, M. 2013. Local tolerance of hyena attacks in East Hararge region, Ethiopia. Anthrozoos 26:421-433.  External resource

Bhatia, S., S. M. Redpath, K. Suryawanshi, and C. Mishra. 2017. The relationship between religion and attitudes toward large carnivores in Northern India? Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22:30-42.  External resource

Bhatia, S., K. Suryawanshi, S. M. Redpath, S. Namgail, and C. Mishra. 2021. Understanding people’s relationship with wildlife in trans-Himalayan folklore. Frontiers in Environmental Science 9.  Download 

Brackhane, S., G. Webb, F. M. E. Xavier, J. Trindade, M. Gusmao, and P. Pechacek. 2019. Crocodile management in Timor-Leste: drawing upon traditional ecological knowledge and cultural beliefs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 24:314-331.  External resource

Chan, K. M. A., A. D. Guerry, P. Balvanera, S. Klain, T. Satterfield, X. Basurto, A. Bostrom, R. Chuenpagdee, R. Gould, B. S. Halpern, N. Hannahs, J. Levine, B. Norton, M. Ruckelshaus, R. Russell, J. Tam, and U. Woodside. 2012. Where are cultural and social in ecosystem services? A framework for constructive engagement. Bioscience 62:744-756.  Download

D’Lima, C., H. Marsh, M. Hamann, A. Sinha, and R. Arthur. 2014. Positive interactions between Irrawaddy dolphins and artisanal fishers in the Chilika Lagoon of Eastern India are driven by ecology, socioeconomics, and culture. Ambio 43:614-624.  External resource

Davie, H. S., P. A. Stokowski, L. Ankhbayar, and J. D. Murdoch. 2014. Herders and wolves in post-soviet society: an ethnographic study in Mongolia’s Ikh Nart Nature Reserve. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 19:319-333.  External resource

Dhee, V. Athreya, J. D. C. Linnell, S. Shivakumar, and S. P. Dhiman. 2019. The leopard that learnt from the cat and other narratives of carnivore–human coexistence in northern India. People and Nature 1:376-386.  Download

Dheer, A., E. Davidian, M. H. Jacobs, J. Ndorosa, T. M. Straka, and O. P. Höner. 2021. Emotions and cultural importance predict the acceptance of large carnivore management strategies by Maasai pastoralists. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download

Dickman, A., P. J. Johnson, F. van Kesteren, and D. W. Macdonald. 2015. The moral basis for conservation: how is it affected by culture? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 13:325-331.  External resource

Dickman, A. J., L. Hazzah, C. Carbone, and S. M. Durant. 2014. Carnivores, culture and 'contagious conflict': multiple factors influence perceived problems with carnivores in Tanzania's Ruaha landscape. Biological Conservation 178:19-27.  External resource

Evans, L. A., and W. M. Adams. Elephants as actors in the political ecology of human–elephant conflict. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers  Download

Gebresenbet, F., B. Baraki, G. Yirga, C. Sillero-Zubiri, and H. Bauer. 2018. A culture of tolerance: coexisting with large carnivores in the Kafa Highlands, Ethiopia. Oryx 52:751-760.  External resource

Ghosal, S., and D. J. Kjosavik. 2015. Living with leopards: negotiating morality and modernity in western India. Society & Natural Resources 28:1092-1107.  External resource

Goldman, M. J., J. R. de Pinho, and J. Perry. 2013. Beyond ritual and economics: Maasai lion hunting and conservation politics. Oryx 47:490-500.  External resource

Gupta, A. C. 2013. Elephants, safety nets and agrarian culture: understanding human-wildlife conflict and rural livelihoods around Chobe National Park, Botswana. Journal of Political Ecology 20:238-254.  Download

Hazzah, L., A. Bath, S. Dolrenry, A. Dickman, and L. Frank. 2017. From attitudes to actions: predictors of lion killing by Maasai warriors. Plos One 12:e0170796.  Download

Hazzah, L., S. Dolrenry, L. Naughton, C. T. T. Edwards, O. Mwebi, F. Kearney, and L. Frank. 2014. Efficacy of two lion conservation programs in Maasailand, Kenya. Conservation Biology 28:851-860.  External resource

Hill, C. M., and A. D. Webber. 2010. Perceptions of nonhuman primates in human-wildlife conflict scenarios. American Journal of Primatology 72:919-924.  External resource

Hughes, C., B. Frank, N. A. Melnycky, N. T. Yarmey, and J. A. Glikman. 2020. From worship to subjugation: understanding stories about bears to inform conservation efforts. Ursus 2020:1-12, 12.  External resource

Hughes, C., and S. E. Nielsen. 2018. ‘Bear are only the Lightning Rod’: ongoing acrimony in Alberta’s Grizzly Bear Recovery. Society & Natural Resources:1-19.  External resource

Infield, M., A. Entwistle, H. Anthem, A. Mugisha, and K. Phillips. 2018. Reflections on cultural values approaches to conservation: lessons from 20 years of implementation. Oryx 52:220-230.  External resource

Inskip, C., N. Carter, S. Riley, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2016. Toward human-carnivore coexistence: understanding tolerance for tigers in Bangladesh. Plos One 11:20.  Download

Inskip, C., Z. Fahad, R. Tully, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2014. Understanding carnivore killing behaviour: exploring the motivations for tiger killing in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Biological Conservation 180:42-50.  External resource

Inskip, C., M. Ridout, Z. Fahad, R. Tully, A. Barlow, C. G. Barlow, M. A. Islam, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2013. Human–tiger conflict in context: risks to lives and livelihoods in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Human Ecology 41:169-186.  External resource

Karanth, K. K., and S. Kudalkar. 2017. History, location, and species matter: insights for human–wildlife conflict mitigation from India. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 22:331-346.  External resource

Kellert, S. R., M. Black, C. R. Rush, and A. J. Bath. 1996. Human culture and large carnivore conservation in North America. Conservation Biology 10:977-990.  External resource

Kiik, L. 2019. Conservationland: toward the anthropology of professionals in global nature conservation. Critique of Anthropology 39:391-419.  External resource

Kirksey, S. E., and S. Helmreich. 2010. The emergence of multispecies ethnography. Cultural Anthropology 25:545-576.  External resource

Knight, J. 1999. Monkeys on the move: the natural symbolism of people-macaque conflict in Japan. The Journal of Asian Studies 58:622-647.  External resource

Kpera, G. N., N. Aarts, R. C. Tossou, G. A. Mensah, A. Saidou, D. K. Kossou, A. B. Sinsin, and A. J. van der Zijpp. 2014. A pond with crocodiles never dries up': a frame analysis of human-crocodile relationships in agro-pastoral dams in Northern Benin. International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability 12:316-333.  External resource

Kshettry, A., N. Bhave, P. Das, and V. Athreya. 2021. Mahakal blessed my crop: community dynamics and religious beliefs influence efficacy of a wildlife compensation program. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download

Kumar, N., Y. V. Jhala, Q. Qureshi, A. G. Gosler, and F. Sergio. 2019. Human-attacks by an urban raptor are tied to human subsidies and religious practices. Scientific Reports 9:2545.  External resource

Lestel, D., F. Brunois, and F. Gaunet. 2006. Etho-ethnology and ethno-ethology. Social Science Information 45:155-177.  External resource

Locke, P. 2013. Explorations in ethnoelephantology. Environment and Society 4:79-97.  External resource

Manfredo, M. J., and A. A. Dayer. 2004. Concepts for exploring the social aspects of human–wildlife conflict in a global context. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 9:1-20.  External resource

Manfredo, M. J., R. E. Berl, T. L. Teel, and J. T. Bruskotter. 2021. Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment.  Download

Matema, S., and J. A. Andersson. 2015. Why are lions killing us? Human–wildlife conflict and social discontent in Mbire District, northern Zimbabwe. The Journal of Modern African Studies 53:93-120.  External resource

McKay, J. E., F. A. V. St. John, A. Harihar, D. Martyr, N. Leader-Williams, B. Milliyanawati, I. Agustin, Y. Anggriawan, Karlina, E. Kartika, F. Mangunjaya, M. J. Struebig, and M. Linkie. 2018. Tolerating tigers: gaining local and spiritual perspectives on human-tiger interactions in Sumatra through rural community interviews. Plos One 13:e0201447.  Download

Mohammadi, A., A. Alambeigi, J. V. López-Bao, and M. Kaboli. 2021. Fear of wolves in relation to attacks on people and livestock in western Iran. Anthrozoos:1-17.  External resource

Nair, R., Dhee, O. Patil, N. Surve, A. Andheria, J. D. C. Linnell, and V. Athreya. 2021. Sharing spaces and entanglements with big cats: the Warli and their Waghoba in Maharashtra, India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download

Parathian, H. E., M. R. McLennan, C. M. Hill, A. Frazão-Moreira, and K. J. Hockings. 2018. Breaking through disciplinary barriers: human–wildlife interactions and multispecies ethnography. International Journal of Primatology.  Download

Pooley, S. 2016. A cultural herpetology of nile crocodiles in Africa. Conservation and Society 14:391  Download

Riley, E. P. 2010. The importance of human-macaque folklore for conservation in Lore Lindu National Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Oryx 44:235-240.  External resource

Riley, E. P. 2018. The maturation of ethnoprimatology: theoretical and methodological pluralism. International Journal of Primatology.  External resource

Riley, E. P., and N. E. C. Priston. 2010. Macaques in farms and folklore: exploring the human-nonhuman primate interface in Sulawesi, Indonesia. American Journal of Primatology 72:848-854.  External resource

Rust, N. A., J. Tzanopoulos, T. Humle, and D. C. MacMillan. 2016. Why has human–carnivore conflict not been resolved in Namibia? Society & Natural Resources 29:1079-1094.  Download

Saraswat, R., A. Sinha, and S. Radhakrishna. 2015. A god becomes a pest? Human-rhesus macaque interactions in Himachal Pradesh, northern India. European Journal of Wildlife Research 61:435-443.  External resource

Setchell, J. M., E. Fairet, K. Shutt, S. Waters, and S. Bell. 2017. Biosocial conservation: integrating biological and ethnographic methods to study human–primate interactions. International Journal of Primatology 38:401-426.  Download

Sousa, J., A. Ainslie, and C. M. Hill. 2017. Sorcery and nature conservation. Environmental Conservation:1-6.  External resource

Sousa, J., C. M. Hill, and A. Ainslie. 2017. Chimpanzees, sorcery and contestation in a protected area in Guinea-Bissau. Social Anthropology 25:364-379.  External resource

van der Ploeg, J., M. van Weerd, and G. A. Persoon. 2011. A cultural history of crocodiles in the Philippines: towards a new peace pact? Environment and History 17:229-264.  External resource

Walker, B. L. 2013. Animals and the intimacy of history. History and Theory 52:45-67.  External resource

Waylen, K. A., A. Fischer, P. J. K. McGowan, S. J. Thirgood, and E. J. Milner-Gulland. 2010. Effect of local cultural context on the success of community-based conservation interventions. Conservation Biology 24:1119-1129.  External resource

Books and book chapters

Cavalcanti, S., S. Marchini, A. Zimmermann, E. M. Gese, and D. W. Macdonald. 2010. Jaguars, livestock and people in Brazil: reality and perceptions behind the D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge, editors. Biology and conservation of wild felids. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK.  External resource

Dickman, A. J., and L. Hazzah. 2016. Money, myths and man-eaters: complexities of human–wildlife conflict. Pages 339-356 in F. M. Angelici, editor. Problematic wildlife: a cross-disciplinary approach. Springer International Publishing, Cham.  External resource

Knight, J. 2000. Natural enemies: people-wildlife conflicts in anthropological perspective. Routledge.  External resource

Marvin, G. 2012. Wolf. Reaktion Books.  External resource

McHugh, S., and G. Marvin. 2018. Human-animal studies: critical concepts in the social sciences. Routledge.  External resource


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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

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