Guidance Documents
Onças do Iguaçu - guia de convivência (2018). (Projecto Onças do Iguaçu and WWF Brasil) Download
Guide de coexistence homme-jaguar (2017). (Berzins, R.) Download
Guia de convivência gente e onças, 2a edição. (Panthera) Download
Guía de convivencia gente y jaguares. (Panthera) Download
People and jaguars: a guide for coexistence. (Panthera) Download
Guia de convivência gente e onças: livro de atividades 1. (Projeto Conviver Gente e Onças) Download
Guia de convivência gente e onças: livro de atividades 2. (Projeto Conviver Gente e Onças) Download
Conviviendo con el jaguar. (Panthera) Download
Key Papers
Álvarez, H. G., and G. Zapata-Ríos. 2021. Do social factors influence perceptions of the jaguar Panthera onca in Ecuador? Oryx:1-8. Download
Amit, R., and S. K. Jacobson. 2017. Understanding rancher coexistence with jaguars and pumas: a typology for conservation practice. Biodiversity and Conservation 26:1353-1374. External resource
Amit, R., and S. K. Jacobson. 2018. Participatory development of incentives to coexist with jaguars and pumas. Conservation Biology. External resource
Arias, M., A. Hinsley, P. Nogales-Ascarrunz, P. J. Carvajal-Bacarreza, N. Negroes, J. A. Glikman, and E. J. Milner-Gulland. 2021. Complex interactions between commercial and noncommercial drivers of illegal trade for a threatened felid. Animal Conservation. Download
Balbuena-Serrano, Á., M. M. Zarco-González, O. Monroy-Vilchis, R. G. Morato, and R. C. De Paula. 2021. Hotspots of livestock depredation by pumas and jaguars in Brazil: a biome-scale analysis. Animal Conservation 24:181-193. External resource
Ballejo, F., P. Plaza, A. di Virgilio, M. Lucherini, P. Gáspero, M. M. Guerisoli, A. Novaro, M. Funes, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2022. Unravelling negative interactions between humans, mammalian carnivores and raptors in South America. Ecología Austral. Download
Bombieri, G., V. Penteriani, K. Almasieh, H. Ambarlı, M. R. Ashrafzadeh, C. S. Das, N. Dharaiya, R. Hoogesteijn, A. Hoogesteijn, D. Ikanda, W. Jędrzejewski, M. Kaboli, A. Kirilyuk, A. K. Jangid, R. K. Sharma, H. Kushnir, B. R. Lamichhane, A. Mohammadi, O. Monroy-Vilchis, J. M. Mukeka, I. Nikolaev, O. Ohrens, C. Packer, P. Pedrini, S. Ratnayeke, I. Seryodkin, T. Sharp, H. S. Palei, T. Smith, A. Subedi, F. Tortato, K. Yamazaki, and M. d. M. Delgado. 2023. A worldwide perspective on large carnivore attacks on humans. PLOS Biology 21:e3001946. Download
Boulhosa, R. L. P., and F. C. C. Azevedo. 2014. Perceptions of ranchers towards livestock predation by large felids in the Brazilian Pantanal. Wildlife Research 41:356-365. External resource
Carvalho, E. A. R., M. M. Zarco-Gonzalez, O. Monroy-Vilchis, and R. G. Morato. 2015. Modeling the risk of livestock depredation by jaguar along the Transamazon highway, Brazil. Basic and Applied Ecology 16:413-419. External resource
Connolly, E., and H. Nelson. 2023. Jaguars in the borderlands: multinatural conservation for coexistence in the Anthropocene. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4. Download
Corcoran, W., and B. Fisher. 2021. Life with big cats: local perceptions of big cat species. Animal Conservation. External resource
Cummings, A. R. 2021. An exploratory analysis of stakeholders and their influence on human–jaguar conflict in Guyana. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-9. External resource
de la Torre, J. A., G. Camacho, P. Arroyo-Gerala, I. Cassaigne, M. Rivero, and A. Campos-Arceiz. 2021. A cost-effective approach to mitigate conflict between ranchers and large predators: a case study with jaguars in the Mayan Forest. Biological Conservation 256:109066. External resource
Engel, M. T., J. J. Vaske, A. J. Bath, and S. Marchini. 2016. Predicting acceptability of jaguars and pumas in the Atlantic Forest, Brazil. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 21:427-444. External resource
Engel, M. T., J. J. Vaske, A. J. Bath, and S. Marchini. 2017. Attitudes toward jaguars and pumas and the acceptability of killing big cats in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest: an application of the Potential for Conflict Index2. Ambio 46:604-612. External resource
Engel, M. T., J. J. Vaske, S. Marchini, and A. J. Bath. 2017. Knowledge about big cats matters: insights for conservationists and managers. Wildlife Society Bulletin 41:398-404. External resource
Ferraz, K. M. P. M. d. B., S. Marchini, J. A. Bogoni, R. M. Paolino, M. Landis, R. Fusco-Costa, M. Magioli, L. P. Munhoes, B. H. Saranholi, Y. G. G. Ribeiro, J. A. d. Domini, G. S. Magezi, J. C. Z. Gebin, H. Ermenegildo, P. M. Galetti Junior, M. Galetti, A. Zimmermann, and A. G. Chiarello. 2022. Best of both worlds: combining ecological and social research to inform conservation decisions in a Neotropical biodiversity hotspot. Journal for Nature Conservation 66:126146. External resource
Fletcher, R., and S. Toncheva. 2021. The political economy of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence. Biological Conservation 260:109216. Download
Holland, K. K., L. R. Larson, and R. B. Powell. 2018. Characterizing conflict between humans and big cats Panthera spp: a systematic review of research trends and management opportunities. Plos One 13:e0203877. Download
Inskip, C., and A. Zimmermann. 2009. Human-felid conflict: a review of patterns and priorities worldwide. Oryx 43:18-34. External resource
Khorozyan, I., A. Ghoddousi, M. Soofi, and M. Waltert. 2015. Big cats kill more livestock when wild prey reaches a minimum threshold. Biological Conservation 192:268-275. External resource
Marchini, S., and P. G. Crawshaw. 2015. Human–wildlife conflicts in Brazil: a fast-growing issue. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20:323-328. External resource
Marchini, S., K. M. P. M. B. Ferraz, V. Foster, T. Reginato, A. Kotz, Y. Barros, A. Zimmermann, and D. W. Macdonald. 2021. Planning for human-wildlife coexistence: conceptual framework, workshop process, and a model for transdisciplinary collaboration. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Marchini, S., and D. W. Macdonald. 2012. Predicting ranchers' intention to kill jaguars: case studies in Amazonia and Pantanal. Biological Conservation 147:213-221. External resource
Marchini, S., and D. W. Macdonald. 2018. Mind over matter: perceptions behind the impact of jaguars on human livelihoods. Biological Conservation 224:230-237. External resource
Michalski, F., R. L. P. Boulhosa, A. Faria, and C. A. Peres. 2006. Human-wildlife conflicts in a fragmented Amazonian forest landscape: determinants of large felid depredation on livestock. Animal Conservation 9:179-188. Download
Palmeira, F. B. L., P. G. Craivshaw, C. M. Haddad, K. Ferraz, and L. M. Verdad. 2008. Cattle depredation by puma (Puma concolor) and jaguar (Panthera onca) in central-western Brazil. Biological Conservation 141:118-125. External resource
Pinto-Marroquin, M., C. Castaño-Uribe, J. Pérez-Torres, J. F. Aristizabal, D. Santos-Fita, A. Ramos Chaparro, and J. C. Serio-Silva. 2022. Potential conflict as an opportunity for coexistence: cosmovision and attitudes of Arhuaco people towards jaguars. Ethnobiology and Conservation 11. Download
Porfirio, G., Sarmento, P., Leal, S. and Fonseca, C. 2016. How is the jaguar Panthera onca perceived by local communities along the Paraguai River in the Brazilian Pantanal? Oryx 50:163-168. External resource
Soto-Shoender, J. R., and M. B. Main. 2013. Differences in stakeholder perceptions of the jaguar Panthera onca and puma Puma concolor in the tropical lowlands of Guatemala. Oryx 47:109-112. External resource
Tortato, F. R., T. J. Izzo, R. Hoogesteijn, and C. A. Peres. 2017. The numbers of the beast: valuation of jaguar (Panthera onca) tourism and cattle depredation in the Brazilian Pantanal. Global Ecology and Conservation 11:106-114. Download
Tortato, F. R., V. M. G. Layme, P. G. Crawshaw, and T. J. Izzo. 2015. The impact of herd composition and foraging area on livestock predation by big cats in the Pantanal of Brazil. Animal Conservation 18:539-547. External resource
Zanin, M., R. Sollmann, N. Torres, M. Furtado, A. Jacomo, L. Silveira, and P. Marco. 2015. Landscapes attributes and their consequences on jaguar Panthera onca and cattle depredation occurrence. European Journal of Wildlife Research 61:529-537. External resource
Zarco-Gonzalez, M. M., and O. Monroy-Vilchis. 2014. Effectiveness of low-cost deterrents in decreasing livestock predation by felids: a case in Central Mexico. Animal Conservation 17:371-378. External resource
Zarco-Gonzalez, M. M., O. Monroy-Vilchis, and J. Alaniz. 2013. Spatial model of livestock predation by jaguar and puma in Mexico: conservation planning. Biological Conservation 159:80-87. External resource
Zimmermann, A., P. Johnson, A. E. de Barros, C. Inskip, R. Amit, E. C. Soto, C. A. Lopez-Gonzalez, C. Sillero-Zubiri, R. de Paula, S. Marchini, J. Soto-Shoender, P. G. Perovic, S. Earle, C. J. Quiroga-Pacheco, and D. W. Macdonald. 2021. Every case is different: cautionary insights about generalisations in human-wildlife conflict from a range-wide study of people and jaguars. Biological Conservation 260:109185. External resource
Zimmermann, A., M. J. Walpole, and N. Leader-Williams. 2005. Cattle ranchers' attitudes to conflicts with jaguar Panthera onca in the Pantanal of Brazil. Oryx 39:406-412. External resource
Books and book chapters
Castaño-Uribe, C., C. A. Lasso, R. Hoogesteijn, A. Diaz-Pulido, and E. Payán. 2016. II. Conflictos entre felinos y humanos en América Latina. Instituto de Investigación de Recursos Biológicos Alexander von Humboldt (IAvH), Bogotá, D. C., Colombia. Download
Cavalcanti, S., S. Marchini, A. Zimmermann, E. M. Gese, and D. W. Macdonald. 2010. Jaguars, livestock and people in Brazil: reality and perceptions behind the D. W. Macdonald and A. J. Loveridge, editors. Biology and conservation of wild felids. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK. External resource
Marchini, S. 2014. Who’s in conflict with whom? Human dimensions of the conflicts involving wildlife. Pages 189-209 in L. M. Verdade, M. C. Lyra-Jorge, and C. I. Piña, editors. Applied ecology and human dimensions in biological conservation. Springer Berlin Heidelberg, Berlin, Heidelberg. External resource
Rabinowitz, A. 2005. Jaguars and livestock: living with the world's third largest cat. Pages 278-285 in A. Rabinowitz, R. Woodroffe, and S. Thirgood, editors. People and wildlife, conflict or co-existence? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. External resource
Zimmermann, A., N. Baker, C. Inskip, J. D. C. Linnell, S. Marchini, J. Odden, G. Rasmussen, and A. Treves. 2009. Contemporary views of human–carnivore conflicts on wild rangelands. Pages 129-151 in J. T. du Toit, R. Kock, and J. C. Deutsch, editors. Wild rangelands. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, Chichester, UK. External resource