July 2023 additions to the library

Atkins, S., J. Mann-Lang, G. Cliff, N. Pillay, and M. Cantor. 2023. Stakeholder perceptions reveal obstacles and opportunities to change lethal methods of protecting bathers from sharks. Marine Policy 155:105762. Download
Huang, C., K. Zhou, Y. Huang, P. Fan, Y. Liu, and T. M. Lee. 2023. Insights into the coexistence of birds and humans in cropland through meta-analyses of bird exclosure studies, crop loss mitigation experiments, and social surveys. PLOS Biology 21:e3002166. Download
Khorozyan, I., and M. Heurich. 2023. Where, why and how carnivores kill domestic animals in different parts of their ranges: an example of the Eurasian lynx. Global Ecology and Conservation:e02585. Download
Morton, F. B., M. Gartner, E.-M. Norrie, Y. Haddou, C. D. Soulsbury, and K. A. Adaway. 2023. Urban foxes are bolder but not more innovative than their rural conspecifics. Animal Behaviour 203:101-113. Download
Ramos, K. L., R. Machado, C. Zapelini, L. C. de Castilho, and A. Schiavetti. 2023. Knowledge, attitudes and behavioural intentions of gillnet fishermen towards the South American sea lion in two marine protected areas in southern Brazil. Ocean & Coastal Management 242:106673. External resource
Rogers, A., A. Treves, R. Karamagi, M. Nyakoojo, and L. Naughton-Treves. 2023. Trenches reduce crop foraging by elephants: lessons from Kibale National Park, Uganda for elephant conservation in densely settled rural landscapes. Plos One 18:e0288115. Download
Smith, T. S., A. E. Derocher, R. L. Mazur, G. York, M. A. Owen, M. Obbard, E. S. Richardson, and S. C. Amstrup. 2023. Anthropogenic food: an emerging threat to polar bears. Oryx 57:425-434. Download
Usman, M. F., S. Le Bel, P. Grimaud, and M. Reinhardt Nielsen. 2023. Evaluating the determinants of wildlife tolerance in the Kavango-Zambezi Transfrontier Conservation Area in Zimbabwe. Journal for Nature Conservation:126466. Download
Vongraven, D., S. C. Amstrup, T. L. McDonald, J. Mitchell, and N. G. Yoccoz. 2023. Relating polar bears killed, human presence, and ice conditions in Svalbard 1987–2019. Frontiers in Conservation Science 4. Download
Zhou, X.-H., W. Zhang, D.-Y. Tang, Z. Miao, Q. Wang, and D. C. MacMillan. 2023. A quantitative analysis of public preferences for the wild boar management in urban and rural China. Global Ecology and Conservation 41:e02353. Download