June 2021 additions to the library

Agnihotri, S., C. Madegowda, and A. Si. 2021. Tiger becomes termite hill: Soliga/Solega perceptions of wildlife interactions and ecological change. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Arbieu, U., G. Chapron, C. Astaras, N. Bunnefeld, S. Harkins, Y. Iliopoulos, M. Mehring, I. Reinhardt, and T. Mueller. 2021. News selection and framing: the media as a stakeholder in human-carnivore coexistence. Environmental Research Letters. Download
Benavides, P., and J. Caviedes. 2021. Unnatural pumas and domestic foxes: relations with protected predators and conspiratorial rumours in southern Chile. Environmental Values. External resource
Boronyak, L., B. Jacobs, A. Wallach, J. McManus, S. Stone, S. Stevenson, B. Smuts, and H. Zaranek. 2021. Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems. Agriculture and Human Values. External resource
Fletcher, R., and S. Toncheva. 2021. The political economy of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence. Biological Conservation 260:109216. Download
Findlay, C. R., D. Aleynik, A. Farcas, N. D. Merchant, D. Risch, and B. Wilson. 2021. Auditory impairment from acoustic seal deterrents predicted for harbour porpoises in a marine protected area. Journal of Applied Ecology. Download
Hodgson, I. D., J. Cusack, I. Jones, J. Minderman, L. Nilsson, R. A. Pozo, O. S. Rakotonarivo, and N. Bunnefeld. 2021. Building peace to save nature: multi-disciplinary approaches to managing conflicts in conservation. Pages 3-22 in S. C. Underkoffler and H. R. Adams, editors. Wildlife biodiversity conservation: multidisciplinary and forensic approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham. External resource
Ibbett, H., J. P. G. Jones, and F. A. V. St John. 2021. Asking sensitive questions in conservation using Randomised Response Techniques. Biological Conservation 260:109191. Download
Karki, A., and S. Panthi. 2021. Factors affecting livestock depredation by snow leopards (Panthera uncia) in the Himalayan region of Nepal. Peerj 9:e11575. Download
Kuramoto, Y., Y. Fujimori, R. Ito, Y. Kobayashi, and Y. Sakurai. 2021. Measures for co-existence between seals and coastal large-scale salmon set net fisheries: mitigation of catch damage by the use of rope grid. Fisheries Research 242:106041. External resource
Lin, H., P. Å»ebrowski, B. D. Fath, H. Liljenström, and E. Rovenskaya. 2021. Modelling stakeholder satisfaction for conflict resolution in wildlife management: a case of wolf population in Sweden. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:61. Download
Manfredo, M. J., R. E. Berl, T. L. Teel, and J. T. Bruskotter. 2021. Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Download
Mohammadi, A., K. Almasieh, H. Y. Wan, D. Nayeri, A. Alambeigi, J. I. Ransom, and S. A. Cushman. 2021. Integrating spatial analysis and questionnaire survey to better understand human-onager conflict in Southern Iran. Scientific Reports 11:12423. Download
Nair, R., Dhee, O. Patil, N. Surve, A. Andheria, J. D. C. Linnell, and V. Athreya. 2021. Sharing spaces and entanglements with big cats: the Warli and their Waghoba in Maharashtra, India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Naro, E. M., and L. L. Lichtenfeld. 2021. Transcending the boundaries of conservation and community development to achieve long-term sustainability for people and planet. Pages 23-45 in S. C. Underkoffler and H. R. Adams, editors. Wildlife biodiversity conservation: multidisciplinary and forensic approaches. Springer International Publishing, Cham. External resource
Natarajan, L., A. Kumar, Q. Qureshi, A. A. Desai, and B. Pandav. 2021. Evaluation of wall-barriers to manage human conflict with Asian elephants in India. Wildlife Society Bulletin. External resource
Nyumba, T. O., E. Kimongo Nankini, and N. Leader-Williams. 2021. Measuring the conservation attitudes of local communities towards the African elephant Loxodonta africana, a flagship species in the Mara ecosystem. Plos One 16:e0253234. External resource
Olson, E. R., J. Goethlich, and B. Goudos-Weisbecker. 2021. Attitudes towards a transient carnivore prior to recolonization. Wildlife Society Bulletin. External resource
Pozo, R. A., J. J. Cusack, P. Acebes, J. E. Malo, J. Traba, E. C. Iranzo, Z. Morris-Trainor, J. Minderman, N. Bunnefeld, S. Radic-Schilling, C. A. Moraga, R. Arriagada, and P. Corti. 2021. Reconciling livestock production and wild herbivore conservation: challenges and opportunities. Trends in Ecology & Evolution. Download
Udyawer, V., C. Goiran, and R. Shine. 2021. Peaceful coexistence between people and deadly wildlife: why are recreational users of the ocean so rarely bitten by sea snakes? People and Nature 3:335-346. Download
Vasudeva, V., P. Ramasamy, R. S. Pal, G. Behera, P. R. Karat, and R. Krishnamurthy. 2021. Factors influencing people's response toward tiger translocation in Satkosia Tiger Reserve, eastern India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Zimmermann, A., P. Johnson, A. E. de Barros, C. Inskip, R. Amit, E. C. Soto, C. A. Lopez-Gonzalez, C. Sillero-Zubiri, R. de Paula, S. Marchini, J. Soto-Shoender, P. G. Perovic, S. Earle, C. J. Quiroga-Pacheco, and D. W. Macdonald. 2021. Every case is different: cautionary insights about generalisations in human-wildlife conflict from a range-wide study of people and jaguars. Biological Conservation 260:109185. External resource