Livestock guarding

Guidance Documents
Livestock guarding dogs - cultural heritage icons with a new relevance for mitigating conservation conflicts (2015). (Linnell, J.D.C. and Lescureux, N.) External resource
Livestock guarding dog program: a farmers manual (2014). (Cheetah Conservation Botswana) Download
Key Papers
Akyazi, I., Y. Z. Ograk, E. Eraslan, M. Arslan, and E. Matur. Livestock guarding behaviour of Kangal dogs in their native habitat. Applied Animal Behaviour Science. External resource
Allen, B. L., L. R. Allen, G. Ballard, M. Drouilly, P. J. S. Fleming, J. O. Hampton, M. W. Hayward, G. I. H. Kerley, P. D. Meek, L. Minnie, M. J. O'Riain, D. M. Parker, and M. J. Somers. 2019. Animal welfare considerations for using large carnivores and guardian dogs as vertebrate biocontrol tools against other animals. Biological Conservation 232:258-270. External resource
Allen, L. R., N. Stewart-Moore, D. Byrne, and B. L. Allen. 2017. Guardian dogs protect sheep by guarding sheep, not by establishing territories and excluding predators. Animal Production Science 57:1118-1127. External resource
Andelt, W. 2004. Use of livestock guarding animals to reduce predation on livestock. Download
Andelt, W. F. 1992. Effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs for reducing predation on domestic sheep. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 20:55-62. External resource
Andelt, W. F. 1995. Livestock guard dogs, llamas and donkeys for reducing livestock losses to predators. Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO. Download
Andelt, W. F., and S. N. Hopper. 2000. Livestock guard dogs reduce predation on domestic sheep in Colorado. Journal of Range Management 53:259-267. External resource
Aslam, A., C. O'Flaherty, L. Marker, and N. Rooney. 2022. Factors affecting livestock guarding dogs’ proximity to their herd and association with perceived effectiveness. Journal of Veterinary Behavior. External resource
Bangs, E. E., and J. Shivik. 2001. Managing wolf conflicts with livestock in the Northwest United States. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 3:2-5. Download
Black, H. L., and J. S. Green. 1985. Navajo use of mixed-breed dogs for management of predators. Journal of Range Management 38:11-15. External resource
Bourne, J. 1994. Protecting livestock with guard donkeys. Alberta Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. Download
Cavalcanti, S. M. C., and F. F. Knowlton. 1998. Evaluation of physical and behavioral traits of llamas associated with aggressiveness toward sheep-threatening canids. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 61:143-158. External resource
Coppinger, R., J. Lorenz, J. Glendinning, and P. Pinardi. 1983. Attentiveness of guarding dogs for reducing predation on domestic sheep. Journal of Range Management 36:275-279. External resource
Eklund, A., J. V. López-Bao, M. Tourani, G. Chapron, and J. Frank. 2017. Limited evidence on the effectiveness of interventions to reduce livestock predation by large carnivores. Scientific Reports 7:2097. Download
Gehring, T. M., K. C. VerCauteren, and J.-M. Landry. 2010. Livestock protection dogs in the 21st century: is an ancient tool relevant to modern conservation challenges? Bioscience 60:299-308. Download
Gehring, T. M., K. C. VerCauteren, M. L. Provost, and A. C. Cellar. 2010. Utility of livestock-protection dogs for deterring wildlife from cattle farms. Wildlife Research 37:715-721. External resource
Gingold, G., Y. Yom-Tov, N. Kronfeld-Schor, and E. Geffen. 2009. Effect of guard dogs on the behavior and reproduction of gazelles in cattle enclosures on the Golan Heights. Animal Conservation 12:155-162. External resource
González, A., A. Novaro, M. Funes, O. Pailacura, M. J. Bolgeri, and S. Walker. 2012. Mixed-breed guarding dogs reduce conflict between goat herders and native carnivores in Patagonia. Human–Wildlife Interactions 6:14. Download
Green, J. S., and R. A. Woodruff. 1988. Breed comparisons and characteristics of use of livestock guarding dogs. Journal of Range Management:249-251. External resource
Green, J. S., R. A. Woodruff, and T. T. Tueller. 1984. Livestock-guarding dogs for predator control: costs, benefits, and practicality. Wildlife Society Bulletin (1973-2006) 12:44-50. External resource
Hansen, I., and M. Bakken. 1999. Livestock-guarding dogs in Norway: part I. Interactions. Journal of Range Management:2-6. External resource
Hansen, I., and M. E. Smith. 1999. Livestock-guarding dogs in Norway Part II: Different working regimes. Journal of Range Management:312-316. External resource
Horgan, J. E., L. K. Van Der Weyde, J. Comley, R. Klein, and D. M. Parker. 2021. Every dog has its day: indigenous Tswana dogs are more practical livestock guardians in an arid African savanna compared with their expatriate cousins. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69:1-16. External resource
Khorozyan, I., M. Soofi, M. Soufi, A. K. Hamidi, A. Ghoddousi, and M. Waltert. 2017. Effects of shepherds and dogs on livestock depredation by leopards (Panthera pardus) in north-eastern Iran. Peerj 5:e3049. Download
Kinka, D., J. T. Schultz, and J. K. Young. 2021. Wildlife responses to livestock guard dogs and domestic sheep on open range. Global Ecology and Conservation:e01823. Download
Landry, J.-M., P. Olsson, A. Siegenthaler, P. Jackson, and A. Farrell. 1999. The use of guard dogs in the Swiss Alps: a first analysis. KORA, Koordinierte Forschungsprojekte zur Erhaltung und zum Management der Raubtiere in der Schweiz. External resource
Landry, J. 2000. Testing livestock guard donkeys in the Swiss Alps. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 1:6-7. Download
Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2014. Warring brothers: the complex interactions between wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis familiaris) in a conservation context. Biological Conservation 171:232-245. External resource
Lieb, Z., B. Tumurbaatar, B. Elfström, and J. Bull. 2021. Impact of livestock guardian dogs on livestock predation in rural Mongolia. Conservation Science and Practice n/a:e509. Download
Lorenz, J. R. 1985. Introducing livestock-guarding dogs. Download
Lorenz, J. R., R. P. Coppinger, and M. R. Sutherland. 1986. Causes and economic effects of mortality in livestock guarding dogs. Journal of Range Management 39:293-295. External resource
Marker, L. 2000. Donkeys protecting livestock in Namibia. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 2:7-8. Download
Marker, L., A. Dickman, and M. Schumann. 2005. Using livestock guarding dogs as a conflict resolution strategy on Namibian farms. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 8:28-32. Download
Marker, L., L. Pfeiffer, A. Siyaya, P. Seitz, G. Nikanor, B. Fry, C. O'Flaherty, and S. Verschueren. 2021. Twenty-five years of livestock guarding dog use across Namibian farmlands. Journal of Vertebrate Biology 69. Download
Marker, L. L., A. J. Dickman, and D. W. Macdonald. 2005. Perceived effectiveness of livestock-guarding dogs placed on Namibian farms. Rangeland Ecology & Management 58:329-336. External resource
Marker, L. L., A. J. Dickman, and D. W. Macdonald. 2005. Survivorship and causes of mortality for livestock-guarding dogs on Namibian rangeland. Rangeland Ecology & Management 58:337-343. External resource
McConnell, I., L. Marker, and N. Rooney. 2022. Preliminary investigation into personality and effectiveness of livestock guarding dogs in Namibia. Journal of Veterinary Behavior 48:11-19. External resource
McManus, J. S., A. J. Dickman, D. Gaynor, B. H. Smuts, and D. W. Macdonald. 2015. Dead or alive? Comparing costs and benefits of lethal and non-lethal human-wildlife conflict mitigation on livestock farms. Oryx 49:687-695. External resource
Meadows, L. E., and F. F. Knowlton. 2000. Efficacy of guard llamas to reduce canine predation on domestic sheep. Wildlife Society Bulletin:614-622. External resource
Ogada, M. O., R. Woodroffe, N. O. Oguge, and L. G. Frank. 2003. Limiting depredation by African carnivores: the role of livestock husbandry. Conservation Biology 17:1521-1530. External resource
Potgieter, G. C., G. I. H. Kerley, and L. L. Marker. 2016. More bark than bite? The role of livestock guarding dogs in predator control on Namibian farmlands. Oryx 50:514-522. External resource
Potgieter, G. C., L. L. Marker, N. L. Avenant, and G. I. Kerley. 2013. Why Namibian farmers are satisfied with the performance of their livestock guarding dogs. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18:403-415. External resource
Rigg, R. 2001. Livestock guarding dogs: their current use world wide. Canid Specialist Group. Download
Rigg, R., S. Findo, M. Wechselberger, M. L. Gorman, C. Sillero-Zubiri, and D. W. Macdonald. 2011. Mitigating carnivore-livestock conflict in Europe: lessons from Slovakia. Oryx 45:272-280. External resource
Rust, N. A., K. M. Whitehouse-Tedd, and D. C. MacMillan. 2013. Perceived efficacy of livestock-guarding dogs in South Africa: implications for cheetah conservation. Wildlife Society Bulletin 37:690-697. External resource
Smith, M. E., J. D. C. Linnell, J. Odden, and J. E. Swenson. 2000. Review of methods to reduce livestock depredation: I. Guardian animals. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section a-Animal Science 50:279-290. External resource
Soofi, M., M. Soufi, A. Royle, M. Waltert, and I. Khorozyan. 2022. Numbers and presence of guarding dogs affect wolf and leopard predation on livestock in northeastern Iran. Basic and Applied Ecology. Download
Stone, S. A., S. W. Breck, J. Timberlake, P. M. Haswell, F. Najera, B. S. Bean, and D. J. Thornhill. 2017. Adaptive use of nonlethal strategies for minimizing wolf–sheep conflict in Idaho. Journal of Mammalogy 98:33-44. Download
Treves, A., and K. U. Karanth. 2003. Human-carnivore conflict and perspectives on carnivore management worldwide. Conservation Biology 17:1491-1499. External resource
Urbigkit, C., and J. Urbigkit. 2010. A review: the use of livestock protection dogs in association with large carnivores in the Rocky Mountains. Sheep & Goat Research Journal 25. External resource
van Bommel, L., and C. N. Johnson. 2014. Where do livestock guardian dogs go? Movement patterns of free-ranging Maremma sheepdogs. Plos One 9:e111444. Download
van Bommel, L., and C. N. Johnson. 2015. How guardian dogs protect livestock from predators: territorial enforcement by Maremma sheepdogs. Wildlife Research 41:662-672. External resource
van Eeden, L. M., A. Eklund, J. R. B. Miller, J. V. López-Bao, G. Chapron, M. R. Cejtin, M. S. Crowther, C. R. Dickman, J. Frank, M. Krofel, D. W. Macdonald, J. McManus, T. K. Meyer, A. D. Middleton, T. M. Newsome, W. J. Ripple, E. G. Ritchie, O. J. Schmitz, K. J. Stoner, M. Tourani, and A. Treves. 2018. Carnivore conservation needs evidence-based livestock protection. PLOS Biology 16:e2005577. Download
VerCauteren, K. C., M. J. Lavelle, T. M. Gehring, and J.-M. Landry. 2012. Cow dogs: use of livestock protection dogs for reducing predation and transmission of pathogens from wildlife to cattle. Applied Animal Behaviour Science 140:128-136. External resource
Zingaro, M., V. Salvatori, L. Vielmi, and L. Boitani. 2018. Are the livestock guarding dogs where they are supposed to be? Applied Animal Behaviour Science 198:89-94. External resource
Books and book chapters
Breitenmoser, U., C. Angst, J.-M. Landry, C. Breitenmoser-Würsten, J. D. C. Linnell, and J.-M. Weber. 2005. Non-lethal techniques for reducing depredation. Pages 49-71 in A. Rabinowitz, R. Woodroffe, and S. Thirgood, editors. People and wildlife, conflict or co-existence? Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. External resource
Coppinger, R., and R. Schneider. 1995. Evolution of working dogs. Pages 21-47 in J. Serpell, editor. The domestic dog: its evolution, behaviour and interactions with people. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK. External resource
Dickman, A., G. Potgieter, J. Horgan, K. Stoner, R. Klein, J. McManus, and L. Marker. 2018. Use of livestock guarding dogs to reduce human-cheetah conflict. Pages 209-221 in P. J. Nyhus, L. Marker, L. K. Boast, and A. Schmidt-Küntzel, editors. Cheetahs: biology and conservation. Academic Press. External resource
Linnell, J. D., J. Odden, and A. Mertens. 2012. Mitigation methods for conflicts associated with carnivore depredation on livestock. Carnivore ecology and conservation: a handbook of techniques:314-332. External resource