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March 2022 additions to the library



Canney, A. C., L. M. McGough, N. A. Bickford, and K. E. Wallen. 2022. Systematic map of human-raptor interaction and coexistence research. Animals 12:45.  Download

Carlisle, K. M., H. E. Ellis, L. M. Jaebker, and A. D. Bright. 2022. Producers’ perceptions of large carnivores and nonlethal methods to protect livestock from depredation: findings from a multistate federal initiative. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-4.  External resource

Edelblutte, É., R. Krithivasan, and M. N. Hayek. 2022. Animal agency in wildlife conservation and management. Conservation Biology n/a:e13853.  External resource

FedyÅ„, I., K. Bojarska, N. Gerber, and H. Okarma. 2022. Blood trail of expansion? Long-term patterns of livestock depredation by wolves in Poland. Ecological Research.  External resource

Flykt, A., A. Eklund, J. Frank, and M. Johansson. 2022. “Landscape of stress” for sheep owners in the Swedish wolf region. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.  Download

Get Bear Smart Society. 2022. Wildlife attractant bylaw toolkit.  Download 

Gimonkar, Y., M.-A. Lea, P. Burch, J. P. Y. Arnould, M. Sporcic, and P. Tixier. 2022. Quantifying killer whale depredation in the blue-eye trevalla commercial fisheries of south-east Australia. Ocean & Coastal Management 221:106114.  External resource

Hansen, H. P., C. S. Dethlefsen, G. F. Fox, and A. S. Jeppesen. 2022. Mediating human-wolves conflicts through dialogue, joint fact-finding and empowerment. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10.  Download

Hemminger, K., H. König, J. Månsson, S.-D. Bellingrath-Kimura, and L. Nilsson. 2022. Winners and losers of land use change: a systematic review of interactions between the world’s crane species (Gruidae) and the agricultural sector. Ecology and Evolution 12:e8719.  Download

Hermira, A. A. C., and F. Michalski. 2022. Crop damage by vertebrates in Latin America: current knowledge and potential future management directions. Peerj 10:e13185.  Download

Hodgson, I. D., A. Fischer, S. M. Redpath, and J. C. Young. 2022. Fight or flight? Understanding different stakeholder responses to conservation conflicts. Society & Natural Resources:1-18.  Download

Hoffmann, C. F., and R. A. Montgomery. 2022. Implications of taxonomic bias for human–carnivore conflict mitigation. Oryx:1-10.  Download

Hoffmann, C. F., N. W. Pilfold, K. A. Ruppert, A. Letoluai, L. Lenguya, I. Limo, and R. A. Montgomery. 2022. The integral nature of encounter rate in predicting livestock depredation risk. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3.  Download

Kalyahe, M. M., H. Hofer, and M. L. East. 2022. Do anthropogenic sources of food increase livestock predation in the area surrounding Ruaha National Park? Environmental Conservation:1-9.  External resource

Kareri, M. 2021. Parks and people: expropriation of nature and multispecies alienation in Nthongoni, eastern Kenya. Conservation and Society 19:248-258.  External resource

Khorozyan, I., and M. Heurich. 2022. Large-scale sheep losses to wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany are related to the expansion of the wolf population but not to increasing wolf numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.  Download

Laguna, E., J. A. Barasona, A. J. Carpio, J. Vicente, and P. Acevedo. 2022. Permeability of artificial barriers (fences) for wild boar Sus scrofa in Mediterranean mixed landscapes. Pest Management Science.  Download

Liu, M., Y. Wang, F. Xia, H. Bu, Y. Liu, X. Shen, and S. Li. 2022. Free-ranging livestock altered the spatiotemporal behavior of the endangered North Chinese leopard (Panthera pardus japonensis) and its prey and intensified human–leopard conflicts. Integrative Zoology.  External resource

Ordiz, A., D. Canestrari, and J. Echegaray. 2022. Wolf conservation and management in Spain, an open debate. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10.  Download

Sandroni, L. T., K. M. P. M. de Barros Ferraz, S. Marchini, A. Percequillo, R. Coates, R. M. Paolino, Y. Barros, M. Landis, Y. G. G. Ribeiro, and L. P. Munhoes. 2022. Stakeholder mapping as a transdisciplinary exercise for jaguar conservation in the Brazilian Atlantic Forest. Conservation Science and Practice n/a:e12651.  Download

Sharp, T. R., T. S. Smith, S. Swaminathan, and A. S. Arun. 2022. Sloth bear attacks: regional differences and safety messaging. Scientific Reports 12:3943.  Download

Sonam, K., R. Dorjay, M. Khanyari, A. Bijoor, S. Lobzang, M. Sharma, S. Suresh, C. Mishra, and K. R. Suryawanshi. 2022. A community-based conservation initiative for wolves in the Ladakh Trans-Himalaya, India. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10.  Download

Soofi, M., A. T. Qashqaei, M. Mousavi, E. Hadipour, M. Filla, B. H. Kiabi, B. Bleyhl, A. Ghoddousi, N. Balkenhol, A. Royle, C. R. Pavey, I. Khorozyan, and M. Waltert. 2022. Quantifying the relationship between prey density, livestock and illegal killing of leopards. Journal of Applied Ecology.  Download

Venumière-Lefebvre, C. C., S. W. Breck, and K. R. Crooks. 2022. A systematic map of human-carnivore coexistence. Biological Conservation 268:109515.  External resource

Wang, Y., and H. Mumby. 2022. Differences in reporting human-wild boar interactions in Chinese and English news media. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-16.  External resource





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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

© 2024 IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group

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