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May 2021 additions to the library

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Balbuena-Serrano, Á., M. M. Zarco-González, O. Monroy-Vilchis, R. G. Morato, and R. C. De Paula. 2021. Hotspots of livestock depredation by pumas and jaguars in Brazil: a biome-scale analysis. Animal Conservation 24:181-193.  External resource

Boso, À., B. Álvarez, B. Pérez, J. C. Imio, A. Altamirano, and F. Lisón. Understanding human attitudes towards bats and the role of information and aesthetics to boost a positive response as a conservation tool. Animal Conservation.  External resource

Di Minin, E., R. Slotow, C. Fink, H. Bauer, and C. Packer. 2021. A pan-African spatial assessment of human conflicts with lions and elephants. Nature Communications 12:2978.  Download

González-Desales, G. A., L. Sigler, J. García-Grajales, P. Charruau, M. M. Zarco-González, Á. Balbuena-Serrano, and O. Monroy-Vilchis. 2021. Factors influencing the occurrence of negative interactions between people and crocodilians in Mexico. Oryx:1-9.  Download

Iwane, M. A., K. M. Leong, M. Vaughan, and K. L. L. Oleson. 2021. When a shark is more than a shark: a sociopolitical problem-solving approach to fisher-shark interactions. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download

Lambertucci, S. A., A. Margalida, K. L. Speziale, A. Amar, F. Ballejo, K. L. Bildstein, G. Blanco, A. J. Botha, C. G. R. Bowden, A. Cortés-Avizanda, O. Duriez, R. E. Green, F. Hiraldo, D. Ogada, P. Plaza, J. A. Sánchez-Zapata, A. Santangeli, N. Selva, O. Spiegel, and J. A. Donázar. 2021. Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e415.  Download

Montero-Botey, M., M. Soliño, R. Perea, and M. Martínez-Jauregui. 2021. Exploring rangers' preferences for community-based strategies to improve human-elephant coexistence in African natural corridors. Animal Conservation.  External resource

Nesbitt, H. K., A. L. Metcalf, A. A. Lubeck, E. C. Metcalf, C. Beckman, A. P. Smith, and T. M. Cummins. 2021. Collective factors reinforce individual contributions to human-wildlife coexistence. The Journal of Wildlife Management.  External resource

Ohrens, O., F. R. Tortato, R. Hoogesteijn, R. J. Sarno, H. Quigley, D. Goic, and L. M. Elbroch. 2021. Predator tourism improves tolerance for pumas, but may increase future conflict among ranchers in Chile. Biological Conservation 258:109150.  External resource

Prins, H. H., Y. Liefting, and J. F. de Jong. 2021. Marginal farmers carry the burden of damage caused by Asian elephants Elephas maximus in Bardiya National Park, Nepal. Oryx:1-9.  Download

Simmons, P., M. Mehmet, B. Curley, N. Ivory, K. Callaghan, K. Wolfenden, and G. Xie. 2021. A scenario study of the acceptability to ocean users of more and less invasive management after shark-human interactions. Marine Policy 129:104558.  External resource

Soliku, O. 2021. Gendered impacts of conservation on rural communities in northern Ghana: implications for collaborative natural resources management. Society & Natural Resources 34:1-17.  External resource

Terekhina, A., A. Volkovitskiy, N. Sokolova, D. Ehrich, I. Fufachev, and A. Sokolov. 2021. The context of an emerging predation problem: Nenets reindeer herders and Arctic foxes in Yamal. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:52.  External resource

Toncheva, S., and R. Fletcher. 2021. Knowing bears: an ethnographic study of knowledge and agency in human–bear cohabitation. Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.  External resource


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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

© 2024 IUCN SSC Human-Wildlife Conflict & Coexistence Specialist Group

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