Dr Aleksandër Trajçe
Director at Protection and Preservation of Natural Environment in Albania (PPNEA)
Member, Albania
Aleksandër has been involved with nature conservation work in Albania and the Balkans for more than eighteen years, being affiliated with PPNEA since 2004. He has an MSc in Biodiversity, Conservation and Management from the University of Oxford and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Roehampton, London. Aleksandër has been conducting research in interdisciplinary fields that integrate natural and cultural dimensions in conservation with a particular focus on large carnivores and the conflicts around them. He explores how local people interrelate with wolves, bears and lynx in highland Albania and neighbouring countries and how local perceptions and constructions of large carnivores can be used for improving their conservation and management. Aleksander has active academic collaborations with several universities in Albania and research and academic institutions in the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Norway, Germany, etc. He is member of two other IUCN SSCs: the Large Carnivore Initiative for Europe and the Bear Specialist Group.