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Political ecology of conflicts


Key Papers

Adams, W., and J. Hutton. 2007. People, parks and poverty: political ecology and biodiversity conservation. Conservation and Society 5:147-183.  Download  


Adams, W. M., and D. Hulme. 2001. If community conservation is the answer in Africa, what is the question? Oryx 35:193-200.  External resource


Banerjee, S., and S. Sharma. 2021. En-gendering human-wildlife interactions in Northeast India: towards decolonized conservation. Journal of Political Ecology 28.  Download


Bond, J. 2014. A holistic approach to natural resource conflict: the case of Laikipia County, Kenya. Journal of Rural Studies 34:117-127.  External resource


Darimont, C. T., P. C. Paquet, A. Treves, K. A. Artelle, and G. Chapron. 2018. Political populations of large carnivores. Conservation Biology.  Download


DeMotts, R., and P. Hoon. 2012. Whose elephants? Conserving, compensating, and competing in Northern Botswana. Society & Natural Resources 25:837-851.  External resource


Evans, L. A., and W. M. Adams. Elephants as actors in the political ecology of human–elephant conflict. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers  Download


Evans, L. A., and W. M. Adams. 2016. Fencing elephants: the hidden politics of wildlife fencing in Laikipia, Kenya. Land Use Policy 51:215-228.  Download


Gopalan, R., and S. Radhakrishna. 2022. Moving from coexistence to conflict: a political ecology perspective on human-rhesus macaque conflict in Himachal Pradesh, India. Human Ecology.  External resource


Gupta, A. C. 2013. Elephants, safety nets and agrarian culture: understanding human-wildlife conflict and rural livelihoods around Chobe National Park, Botswana. Journal of Political Ecology 20:238-254.  Download


Margulies, J. D., and K. K. Karanth. 2018. The production of human-wildlife conflict: a political animal geography of encounter. Geoforum.  External resource


Massé, F. 2016. The political ecology of human-wildlife conflict: producing wilderness, insecurity, and displacement in the Limpopo National Park. Conservation and Society 14:100.  Download


Neumann, R. P. 1992. Political ecology of wildlife conservation in the Mt. Meru area of Northeast Tanzania. Land Degradation & Development 3:85-98.  External resource


Redpath, S. M., J. D. C. Linnell, M. Festa-Bianchet, L. Boitani, N. Bunnefeld, A. Dickman, R. J. Gutiérrez, R. J. Irvine, M. Johansson, A. Majić, B. J. McMahon, S. Pooley, C. Sandström, A. Sjölander-Lindqvist, K. Skogen, J. E. Swenson, A. Trouwborst, J. Young, and E. J. Milner-Gulland. 2017. Don't forget to look down – collaborative approaches to predator conservation. Biological Reviews 92:2157-2163.  External resource


Redpath, S. M., J. Young, A. Evely, W. M. Adams, W. J. Sutherland, A. Whitehouse, A. Amar, R. A. Lambert, J. D. C. Linnell, A. Watt, and R. J. Gutierrez. 2013. Understanding and managing conservation conflicts. Trends in Ecology & Evolution 28:100-109.  External resource


Soliku, O. 2021. Gendered impacts of conservation on rural communities in northern Ghana: implications for collaborative natural resources management. Society & Natural Resources 34:1-17.  External resource


Young, J., C. Richards, A. Fischer, L. Halada, T. Kull, A. Kuzniar, U. Tartes, Y. Uzunov, and A. Watt. 2007. Conflicts between biodiversity conservation and human activities in the central and eastern European countries. Ambio 36:545-550.  External resource


Young, J., A. Watt, P. Nowicki, D. Alard, J. Clitherow, K. Henle, R. Johnson, E. Laczko, D. McCracken, S. Matouch, J. Niemela, and C. Richards. 2005. Towards sustainable land use: identifying and managing the conflicts between human activities and biodiversity conservation in Europe. Biodiversity and Conservation 14:1641-1661.  External resource

Books and book chapters

Adams, W. M. 2015. The political ecology of conservation conflicts. Pages 64-78 in J. C. Young, K. A. Wood, R. J. Gutiérrez, and S. M. Redpath, editors. Conflicts in conservation: navigating towards solutions. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.  External resource


Neumann, R. P. 2002. Imposing wilderness: struggles over livelihood and nature preservation in Africa. University of California Press.  External resource


Robbins, P. 2012. Political ecology: a critical introduction. Wiley.  External resource



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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

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