In November we held the third webinar in our Learning in Practice Webinar Series. The webinar focused on incentives and financial instruments for coexistence via a discussion of three case studies from Bolivia, Kenya and Botswana. Dr Ximena Velez-Liendo from WildCRU-Chester Zoo presented on “Of bears and bees: A journey into coexistence”, in Bolivia. Paul Steele from the International Institute for Environment and Development and Barbara Chesire from AB Consultants presented on “Human-wildlife conflict and insurance – opportunities and challenges”, in Kenya. Dr Anna Songhurst from the Ecoexist Trust presented on “Building an “Elephant Aware Economy” - Reversing the cost-benefit imbalance for communities sharing space with Elephants”, in Botswana.
Following the three presentations, the webinar broke out into a moderated discussion with input from Dr José F. González-Maya, Dr Nurzhafarina Othman and Dr Loki Osborn, moderated by Dr Alexandra Zimmermann before Thomas Hofer from the FAO provided closing remarks. A recording of the webinar can be found below.