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Key Papers

Almuna, R., J. M. Cruz, F. H. Vargas, and J. T. Ibarra. 2020. Landscapes of coexistence: generating predictive risk models to mitigate human-raptor conflicts in forest socio-ecosystems. Biological Conservation 251:108795.  External resource

Amador-Alcalá, S., E. J. Naranjo, and G. Jiménez-Ferrer. 2013. Wildlife predation on livestock and poultry: implications for predator conservation in the rainforest of south-east Mexico. Oryx 47:243-250.  External resource


Amar, A., B. Arroyo, S. Redpath, and S. Thirgood. 2004. Habitat predicts losses of red grouse to individual hen harriers. Journal of Applied Ecology 41:305-314.  External resource

Araneda, P., O. Ohrens, and J. T. Ibarra. 2021. Socioeconomic development and ecological traits as predictors of human-bird conflicts. Conservation Biology.  External resource

Arroyo, B., A. Amar, F. Leckie, G. M. Buchanan, J. D. Wilson, and S. Redpath. 2009. Hunting habitat selection by hen harriers on moorland: implications for conservation management. Biological Conservation 142:586-596.  External resource  


Ballejo, F., P. Plaza, A. di Virgilio, M. Lucherini, P. Gáspero, M. M. Guerisoli, A. Novaro, M. Funes, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2022. Unravelling negative interactions between humans, mammalian carnivores and raptors in South America. Ecología Austral.   Download

Ballejo, F., P. I. Plaza, and S. A. Lambertucci. 2021. Framing of visual content shown on popular social media may affect viewers’ attitudes to threatened species. Scientific Reports 11:13512.  Download

Bencin, H., J. Kioko, and C. Kiffner. 2016. Local people's perceptions of wildlife species in two distinct landscapes of northern Tanzania. Journal for Nature Conservation 34:82-92.  External resource

Canney, A. C., L. M. McGough, N. A. Bickford, and K. E. Wallen. 2022. Systematic map of human-raptor interaction and coexistence research. Animals 12:45.  Download

Duvall, E. S., E. K. Schwabe, and K. M. M. Steensma. 2023. A win–win between farmers and an apex predator: investigating the relationship between bald eagles and dairy farms. Ecosphere 14:e4456.   Download

Elston, D. A., L. Spezia, D. Baines, and S. M. Redpath. 2014. Working with stakeholders to reduce conflict - modelling the impact of varying hen harrier Circus cyaneus densities on red grouse Lagopus lagopus populations. Journal of Applied Ecology 51:1236-1245.  External resource

Gálvez, N., F. A. V. St. John, and Z. G. Davies. 2021. Drivers of predator killing by rural residents and recommendations for fostering coexistence in agricultural landscapes. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download

Gigante, F. D., J. P. V. Santos, J. V. López-Bao, P. P. Olea, B. Verschuuren, and P. Mateo-Tomás. 2021. Farmers’ perceptions towards scavengers are influenced by implementation deficits of EU sanitary policies. Biological Conservation 259:109166.  External resource

Hanley, N., M. Czajkowski, R. Hanley-Nickolls, and S. Redpath. 2010. Economic values of species management options in human-wildlife conflicts: hen harriers in Scotland. Ecological Economics 70:107-113.  External resource


Heinonen, J. P. M., S. C. F. Palmer, S. M. Redpath, and J. M. J. Travis. 2014. Modelling hen harrier dynamics to inform human-wildlife conflict resolution: a spatially-realistic, individual-based approach. Plos One 9:e112492.  Download


Hodgson, I. D., S. M. Redpath, A. Fischer, and J. Young. 2018. Fighting talk: organisational discourses of the conflict over raptors and grouse moor management in Scotland. Land Use Policy 77:332-343.  External resource


Hodgson, I. D., S. M. Redpath, A. Fischer, and J. Young. 2019. Who knows best? Understanding the use of research-based knowledge in conservation conflicts. Journal of Environmental Management 231:1065-1075.  External resource


Kenward, R. E., D. G. Hall, S. S. Walls, and K. H. Hodder. 2001. Factors affecting predation by buzzards Buteo buteo on released pheasants Phasianus colchicus. Journal of Applied Ecology 38:813-822.  External resource


Kettel, E. F., R. W. Yarnell, J. L. Quinn, and L. K. Gentle. 2021. Raptors, racing pigeons and perceptions of attacks. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:73.  Download

Kovács, E., V. Fabók, Á. Kalóczkai, and H. P. Hansen. 2016. Towards understanding and resolving the conflict related to the Eastern Imperial Eagle (Aquila heliaca) conservation with participatory management planning. Land Use Policy 54:158-168.  External resource


Kumar, N., Y. V. Jhala, Q. Qureshi, A. G. Gosler, and F. Sergio. 2019. Human-attacks by an urban raptor are tied to human subsidies and religious practices. Scientific Reports 9:2545.  External resource


Lambertucci, S. A., A. Margalida, K. L. Speziale, A. Amar, F. Ballejo, K. L. Bildstein, G. Blanco, A. J. Botha, C. G. R. Bowden, A. Cortés-Avizanda, O. Duriez, R. E. Green, F. Hiraldo, D. Ogada, P. Plaza, J. A. Sánchez-Zapata, A. Santangeli, N. Selva, O. Spiegel, and J. A. Donázar. 2021. Presumed killers? Vultures, stakeholders, misperceptions, and fake news. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e415.  Download

Lees, A. C., I. Newton, and A. Balmford. 2013. Pheasants, buzzards, and trophic cascades. Conservation Letters 6:141-144.  Download


Ludwig, S. C., S. Roos, D. Bubb, and D. Baines. 2017. Long-term trends in abundance and breeding success of red grouse and hen harriers in relation to changing management of a Scottish grouse moor. Wildlife Biology:wlb.00246.  External resource


Mabille, G., A. Stien, T. Tveraa, A. Mysterud, H. Broseth, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2015. Sheep farming and large carnivores: what are the factors influencing claimed losses? Ecosphere 6:17.  Download


Margalida, A., D. Campion, and J. A. Donazar. 2014. Vultures vs livestock: conservation relationships in an emerging conflict between humans and wildlife. Oryx 48:172-176.  External resource


Marino, F., S. L. Crowley, N. A. Williams Foley, R. A. McDonald, and D. J. Hodgson. 2023. Stakeholder discourse coalitions and polarisation in the hen harrier conservation debate in news media. People and Nature.   Download

Márquez, C., J. M. Vargas, R. Villafuerte, and J. E. Fa. 2013. Risk mapping of illegal poisoning of avian and mammalian predators. The Journal of Wildlife Management 77:75-83.  External resource


Márquez, C., J. M. Vargas, R. Villafuerte, and J. E. Fa. 2013. Understanding the propensity of wild predators to illegal poison baiting. Animal Conservation 16:118-129.  External resource


Marshall, K., R. White, and A. Fischer. 2007. Conflicts between humans over wildlife management: on the diversity of stakeholder attitudes and implications for conflict management. Biodiversity and Conservation 16:3129-3146.  External resource  


McPherson, S. C., M. Brown, and C. T. Downs. 2016. Diet of the crowned eagle (Stephanoaetus coronatus) in an urban landscape: potential for human-wildlife conflict? Urban Ecosystems 19:383-396.  External resource


McPherson, S. C., P. Sumasgutner, B. H. Hoffman, B. D. L. Padbury, M. Brown, T. P. Caine, and C. T. Downs. 2021. Surviving the urban jungle: anthropogenic threats, wildlife-conflicts, and management recommendations for African crowned eagles. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 9.  Download

Mojo, D., J. Rothschuh, and M. Alebachew. 2014. Farmers’ perceptions of the impacts of human–wildlife conflict on their livelihood and natural resource management efforts in Cheha Woreda of Guraghe Zone, Ethiopia. Human–Wildlife Interactions 8:67-77.  External resource


Moleón, M., J. A. Sánchez-Zapata, J. M. Gil-Sánchez, J. M. Barea-Azcón, E. Ballesteros-Duperón, and E. Virgós. 2011. Laying the foundations for a human-predator conflict solution: assessing the impact of Bonelli's eagle on rabbits and partridges. Plos One 6:e22851.  Download


Murgatroyd, M., S. M. Redpath, S. G. Murphy, D. J. T. Douglas, R. Saunders, and A. Amar. 2019. Patterns of satellite tagged hen harrier disappearances suggest widespread illegal killing on British grouse moors. Nature Communications 10:1094.  Download


New, L. F., S. T. Buckland, S. Redpath, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2011. Hen harrier management: insights from demographic models fitted to population data. Journal of Applied Ecology 48:1187-1194.  External resource


New, L. F., S. T. Buckland, S. Redpath, and J. Matthiopoulos. 2012. Modelling the impact of hen harrier management measures on a red grouse population in the UK. Oikos 121:1061-1072.  External resource


O’Rourke, E. 2014. The reintroduction of the white-tailed sea eagle to Ireland: people and wildlife. Land Use Policy 38:129-137.  External resource

Oliva-Vidal, P., A. Hernández-Matías, D. García, M. À. Colomer, J. Real, and A. Margalida. 2022. Griffon vultures, livestock and farmers: unraveling a complex socio-economic ecological conflict from a conservation perspective. Biological Conservation 272:109664.  Download

Redpath, S., A. Amar, M. Madders, F. Leckie, and S. Thirgood. 2002. Hen harrier foraging success in relation to land use in Scotland. Animal Conservation 5:113-118.  External resource


Redpath, S., and S. Thirgood. 2009. Hen harriers and red grouse: moving towards consensus? Journal of Applied Ecology 46:961-963.  External resource


Redpath, S. A., B. E. Arroyo, E. M. Leckie, P. Bacon, N. Bayfield, R. J. Gutierrez, and S. J. Thirgood. 2004. Using decision modeling with stakeholders to reduce human-wildlife conflict: a raptor-grouse case study. Conservation Biology 18:350-359.  External resource


Redpath, S. M. 1991. The impact of hen harriers on red grouse breeding success. Journal of Applied Ecology 28:659-671.  External resource


Redpath, S. M., S. J. Thirgood, and F. M. Leckie. 2001. Does supplementary feeding reduce predation of red grouse by hen harriers? Journal of Applied Ecology 38:1157-1168.  External resource


St John, F. A. V., J. Steadman, G. Austen, and S. M. Redpath. Value diversity and conservation conflict: lessons from the management of red grouse and hen harriers in England. People and Nature.  Download


Sun, Y., H. Wu, and Y. Wang. 2004. Tawny fish-owl predation at fish farms in Taiwan. Journal of Raptor Research 38:326-333.  Download  


Thirgood, S., and S. Redpath. 2008. Hen harriers and red grouse: science, politics and human-wildlife conflict. Journal of Applied Ecology 45:1550-1554.  Download


Thirgood, S., S. Redpath, I. Newton, and P. Hudson. 2000. Raptors and red grouse: conservation conflicts and management solutions. Conservation Biology 14:95-104.  External resource


Thirgood, S. J., S. M. Redpath, S. Campbell, and A. Smith. 2002. Do habitat characteristics influence predation on red grouse? Journal of Applied Ecology 39:217-225.  External resource


Thirgood, S. J., S. M. Redpath, P. Rothery, and N. J. Aebischer. 2000. Raptor predation and population limitation in red grouse. Journal of Animal Ecology 69:504-516.  External resource


Thompson, P. S., A. Amar, D. G. Hoccom, J. Knott, and J. D. Wilson. 2009. Resolving the conflict between driven-grouse shooting and conservation of hen harriers. Journal of Applied Ecology 46:950-954.  External resource


Valkama, J., E. Korpimäki, B. Arroyo, P. Beja, V. Bretagnolle, E. Bro, R. Kenward, S. Mañosa, S. M. Redpath, S. Thirgood, and J. Viñuela. 2005. Birds of prey as limiting factors of gamebird populations in Europe: a review. Biological Reviews 80:171-203.  External resource


Watson, M., and S. Thirgood. 2001. Could translocation aid hen harrier conservation in the UK? Animal Conservation 4:37-43.  External resource


White, J., L. M. Kennedy, and M. E. Christie. 2017. Do perceptions of the red-tailed hawk indicate a human-wildlife conflict on the island of La Gonave, Haiti? Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography 38:258-268.  External resource


White, R. M., A. Fischer, K. Marshall, J. M. J. Travis, T. J. Webb, S. di Falco, S. M. Redpath, and R. van der Wal. 2009. Developing an integrated conceptual framework to understand biodiversity conflicts. Land Use Policy 26:242-253.  External resource


Whitfield, D. P., D. R. A. McLeod, J. Watson, A. H. Fielding, and P. F. Haworth. 2003. The association of grouse moor in Scotland with the illegal use of poisons to control predators. Biological Conservation 114:157-163.  External resource


Young, J. C., M. Marzano, R. M. White, D. I. McCracken, S. M. Redpath, D. N. Carss, C. P. Quine, and A. D. Watt. 2010. The emergence of biodiversity conflicts from biodiversity impacts: characteristics and management strategies. Biodiversity and Conservation 19:3973-3990.  External resource

Zuluaga, S., F. H. Vargas, S. Kohn, and J. M. Grande. 2021. Top-down local management, perceived contribution to people, and actual detriments influence a rampant human‒top predator conflict in the Neotropics. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.  Download

Books and book chapters

Galbraith, C. A., D. A. Stroud, and D. B. A. Thompson. 2003. Towards resolving raptor-human conflicts. Pages 527-535 in D. B. A. Thompson, S. M. Redpath, A. H. Fielding, M. Marquis, and C. A. Galbraith, editors. Birds of prey in a changing environment. Stationery Office.  External resource


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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

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