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Role of the media


Key Papers

Arbieu, U., G. Chapron, C. Astaras, N. Bunnefeld, S. Harkins, Y. Iliopoulos, M. Mehring, I. Reinhardt, and T. Mueller. 2021. News selection and framing: the media as a stakeholder in human-carnivore coexistence. Environmental Research Letters.  Download

Arbieu, U., K. Helsper, M. Dadvar, T. Mueller, and A. Niamir. 2021. Natural Language Processing as a tool to evaluate emotions in conservation conflicts. Biological Conservation 256:109030.  External resource

Athreya, V., A. Srivathsa, M. Puri, K. K. Karanth, N. S. Kumar, and K. U. Karanth. 2015. Spotted in the news: using media reports to examine leopard distribution, depredation, and management practices outside protected areas in southern India. Plos One 10:e0142647.  Download


Barua, M. 2010. Whose issue? Representations of human-elephant conflict in Indian and international media. Science Communication 32:55-75.  External resource


Bhatia, S., V. Athreya, R. Grenyer, and D. W. Macdonald. 2013. Understanding the role of representations of human–leopard conflict in Mumbai through media‐content analysis. Conservation Biology 27:588-594.  External resource


Bombieri, G., V. Nanni, M. d. M. Delgado, J. M. Fedriani, J. V. López-Bao, P. Pedrini, and V. Penteriani. 2018. Content analysis of media reports on predator attacks on humans: toward an understanding of human risk perception and predator acceptance. Bioscience 68:577-584.  Download


Bornatowski, H., N. E. Hussey, C. L. S. Sampaio, and R. R. P. Barreto. 2019. Geographic bias in the media reporting of aquatic versus terrestrial human predator conflicts and its conservation implications. Perspectives in Ecology and Conservation.  Download


Corbett, J. B. 1995. When wildlife make the news: an analysis of rural and urban north-central US newspapers. Public Understanding of Science 4:397-410.  External resource


Dayer, A. A., A. Williams, E. Cosbar, and M. Racey. 2019. Blaming threatened species: media portrayal of human–wildlife conflict. Oryx 53:265-272.  External resource


Delibes-Mateos, M. 2020. Wolf media coverage in the region of Castilla y León (Spain): variations over time and in two contrasting socio-ecological settings. Animals 10:736.  Download


Gore, M. L., and B. A. Knuth. 2009. Mass media effect on the operating environment of a wildlife-related risk-communication campaign. Journal of Wildlife Management 73:1407-1413, 1407.  External resource


Happer, C., and G. Philo. 2013. The role of the media in the construction of public belief and social change. Journal of social and political psychology 1:321-336.  Download


Hathaway, R. S., A.-E. M. Bryant, M. M. Draheim, P. Vinod, S. Limaye, and V. Athreya. 2017. From fear to understanding: changes in media representations of leopard incidences after media awareness workshops in Mumbai, India. Journal of Urban Ecology 3  Download


Houston, M. J., J. T. Bruskotter, and D. Fan. 2010. Attitudes toward wolves in the United States and Canada: a content analysis of the print news media, 1999–2008. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15:389-403.  External resource


Hughes, C., L. Foote, N. T. Yarmey, C. Hwang, J. Thorlakson, and S. Nielsen. 2020. From human invaders to problem bears: a media content analysis of grizzly bear conservation. Conservation Science and Practice 2:e176.  Download


Jacobson, S. K., C. Langin, J. S. Carlton, and L. L. Kaid. 2012. Content analysis of newspaper coverage of the Florida panther. Conservation Biology 26:171-179.  External resource


McCagh, C., J. Sneddon, and D. Blache. 2015. Killing sharks: the media’s role in public and political response to fatal human–shark interactions. Marine Policy 62:271-278.  External resource


Muter, B. A., M. L. Gore, K. S. Gledhill, C. Lamont, and C. Huveneers. 2013. Australian and U.S. news media portrayal of sharks and their conservation. Conservation Biology 27:187-196.  External resource


Muter, B. A., M. L. Gore, and S. J. Riley. 2009. From victim to perpetrator: evolution of risk frames related to human–cormorant conflict in the Great Lakes. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 14:366-379.  External resource


Nanni, V., E. Caprio, G. Bombieri, S. Schiaparelli, C. Chiorri, S. Mammola, P. Pedrini, and V. Penteriani. 2020. Social media and large carnivores: sharing biased news on attacks on humans. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8.  Download

Niemiec, R., R. E. W. Berl, M. Gonzalez, T. Teel, C. Camara, M. Collins, J. Salerno, K. Crooks, C. Schultz, S. Breck, and D. Hoag. 2020. Public perspectives and media reporting of wolf reintroduction in Colorado. Peerj 8:e9074.  Download

Rust, N. A. 2015. Media framing of financial mechanisms for resolving human–predator conflict in Namibia. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 20:440-453.  Download

Siemer, W. F., D. J. Decker, and J. Shanahan. 2007. Media frames for black bear management stories during issue emergence in New York. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 12:89-100.  External resource

Wang, Y., and H. Mumby. 2022. Differences in reporting human-wild boar interactions in Chinese and English news media. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-16.  External resource

Wolch, J. R., A. Gullo, and U. Lassiter. 1997. Changing attitudes toward California's cougars. Society & Animals 5:95-116.  Download  


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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

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