September 2022 additions to the library

Bautista, C., J. Oeser, T. Kuemmerle, and N. Selva. 2022. Resource pulses and human–wildlife conflicts: linking satellite indicators and ground data on forest productivity to predict brown bear damages. Remote Sensing in Ecology and Conservation. Download
Becker, M. S., J. Almeida, C. Begg, L. Bertola, C. Breitenmoser, U. Breitenmoser, P. Coals, P. Funston, A. Gaylard, R. Groom, P. Henschel, D. Ikanda, A. Jorge, J. Kruger, P. Lindsey, H. Maimbo, R. Mandisodza-Chikerema, G. Maude, M. Mbizah, S. M. Miller, E. Mudongo, H. Mwape, T. Mweetwa, V. Naude, V. R. Nyirenda, A. Parker, D. Parker, C. Reid, A. Robson, E. Sayer, S. J. Selier, M. Sichande, C. Simukonda, K. Uiseb, V. L. Williams, D. Zimba, and L. Hunter. 2022. Guidelines for evaluating the conservation value of African lion (Panthera leo) translocations. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Carlson, S. C., A. M. Dietsch, K. M. Slagle, and J. T. Bruskotter. 2022. Effect of semantics in the study of tolerance for wolves. Conservation Biology. External resource
Das, G., K. Selvan, B. Lahkar, and G. V. Gopi. 2022. Effectiveness of physical barriers in mitigating human–elephant negative interactions in North-East India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Delie, J., M. D. Needham, and K. Biedenweg. 2022. Modeling cognitive antecedents of tolerance for black bears: the roles of direct experience, knowledge, and risk perceptions. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-21. External resource
Felix, N., B. M. Kissui, L. Munishi, and A. C. Treydte. 2022. Retaliatory killing negatively affects African lion (Panthera leo) male coalitions in the Tarangire-Manyara Ecosystem, Tanzania. Plos One 17:e0272272. Download
Heim, W., A. Piironen, R. J. Heim, M. Piha, T. Seimola, J. T. Forsman, and T. Laaksonen. 2022. Effects of multiple targeted repelling measures on the behaviour of individually tracked birds in an area of increasing human-wildlife conflict. Journal of Applied Ecology. Download
Hyde, M., S. W. Breck, A. Few, B. J., J. Schrecengost, J. Stone, C. Krebs, R. Talmo, K. Eneas, R. Nickerson, K. E. Kunkel, and J. K. Young. 2022. Multidisciplinary engagement for fencing research informs efficacy and rancher-to-researcher knowledge exchange. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Kamdar, A., H. K. Baishya, H. Nagendra, J. Ratnam, D. Smith, and N. Sekar. 2022. Human–elephant conflict mitigation as a public good: what determines fence maintenance? Ecology and Society 27. Download
Matanzima, J., I. Marowa, and T. Nhiwatiwa. 2022. Negative human–crocodile interactions in Kariba, Zimbabwe: data to support potential mitigation strategies. Oryx:1-5. Download
Matata, M. T., J. J. Kegamba, R. Mremi, and A. Eustace. 2022. Electrified fencing as a mitigation strategy for human-elephant conflict in Western Serengeti: community perspectives. Journal for Nature Conservation 70:126271. External resource
Thomas-Walters, L., J. McCallum, R. Montgomery, C. Petros, A. K. Y. Wan, and D. Veríssimo. 2022. Systematic review of conservation interventions to promote voluntary behavior change. Conservation Biology. Download
van Houdt, S., and L. W. Traill. 2022. A synthesis of human conflict with an African megaherbivore; the common hippopotamus. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download