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Key Papers

Acharya, K. P., P. K. Paudel, P. R. Neupane, and M. Kohl. 2016. Human-wildlife conflicts in Nepal: patterns of human fatalities and injuries caused by large mammals. Plos One 11:18.  Download


Agnihotri, S., C. Madegowda, and A. Si. 2021. Tiger becomes termite hill: Soliga/Solega perceptions of wildlife interactions and ecological change. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download


Ahearn, S. C., J. L. D. Smith, A. R. Joshi, and J. Ding. 2001. TIGMOD: an individual-based spatially explicit model for simulating tiger/human interaction in multiple use forests. Ecological Modelling 140:81-97.  External resource


Bhattarai, B. R., and K. Fischer. 2014. Human-tiger Panthera tigris conflict and its perception in Bardia National Park, Nepal. Oryx 48:522-528.  External resource


Bhattarai, B. R., D. Morgan, and W. Wright. 2021. Equitable sharing of benefits from tiger conservation: beneficiaries’ willingness to pay to offset the costs of tiger conservation. Journal of Environmental Management 284:112018.  External resource


Bombieri, G., V. Penteriani, K. Almasieh, H. Ambarlı, M. R. Ashrafzadeh, C. S. Das, N. Dharaiya, R. Hoogesteijn, A. Hoogesteijn, D. Ikanda, W. JÄ™drzejewski, M. Kaboli, A. Kirilyuk, A. K. Jangid, R. K. Sharma, H. Kushnir, B. R. Lamichhane, A. Mohammadi, O. Monroy-Vilchis, J. M. Mukeka, I. Nikolaev, O. Ohrens, C. Packer, P. Pedrini, S. Ratnayeke, I. Seryodkin, T. Sharp, H. S. Palei, T. Smith, A. Subedi, F. Tortato, K. Yamazaki, and M. d. M. Delgado. 2023. A worldwide perspective on large carnivore attacks on humans. PLOS Biology 21:e3001946.   Download


Corcoran, W., and B. Fisher. 2021. Life with big cats: local perceptions of big cat species. Animal Conservation.  External resource


Dhanwatey, H. S., J. C. Crawford, L. A. S. Abade, P. H. Dhanwatey, C. K. Nielsen, and C. Sillero-Zubiri. 2013. Large carnivore attacks on humans in central India: a case study from the Tadoba-Andhari Tiger Reserve. Oryx 47:221-227.  External resource


Dhungana, R., T. Savini, J. B. Karki, M. Dhakal, B. R. Lamichhane, and S. Bumrungsri. 2018. Living with tigers Panthera tigris: patterns, correlates, and contexts of human–tiger conflict in Chitwan National Park, Nepal. Oryx 52:55-65.  External resource


Doubleday, K. F., and E. C. Rubino. 2021. Tigers bringing risk and security: gendered perceptions of tiger reintroduction in Rajasthan, India. Ambio.  External resource


Goodrich, J. M. 2010. Human-tiger conflict: a review and call for comprehensive plans. Integrative Zoology 5:300-312.  Download


Goodrich, J. M., I. V. Seryodkin, D. G. Miquelle, L. L. Kerley, H. B. Quigley, and M. G. Hornocker. 2011. Effects of canine breakage on tiger survival, reproduction and human-tiger conflict. Journal of Zoology 285:93-98.  External resource


Harihar, A., D. Verissimo, and D. C. MacMillan. 2015. Beyond compensation: integrating local communities' livelihood choices in large carnivore conservation. Global Environmental Change-Human and Policy Dimensions 33:122-130.  External resource


Holland, K. K., L. R. Larson, and R. B. Powell. 2018. Characterizing conflict between humans and big cats Panthera spp: a systematic review of research trends and management opportunities. Plos One 13:e0203877.  Download


Inskip, C., N. Carter, S. Riley, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2016. Toward human-carnivore coexistence: understanding tolerance for tigers in Bangladesh. Plos One 11:20.  Download


Inskip, C., Z. Fahad, R. Tully, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2014. Understanding carnivore killing behaviour: exploring the motivations for tiger killing in the Sundarbans, Bangladesh. Biological Conservation 180:42-50.  External resource


Inskip, C., M. Ridout, Z. Fahad, R. Tully, A. Barlow, C. G. Barlow, M. A. Islam, T. Roberts, and D. MacMillan. 2013. Human–tiger conflict in context: risks to lives and livelihoods in the Bangladesh Sundarbans. Human Ecology 41:169-186.  External resource


Inskip, C., and A. Zimmermann. 2009. Human-felid conflict: a review of patterns and priorities worldwide. Oryx 43:18-34.  External resource


Jhala, Y., R. Gopal, V. Mathur, P. Ghosh, H. S. Negi, S. Narain, S. P. Yadav, A. Malik, R. Garawad, and Q. Qureshi. 2021. Recovery of tigers in India: critical introspection and potential lessons. People and Nature 3.  Download


Karanth, K. K., A. M. Gopalaswamy, R. DeFries, and N. Ballal. 2012. Assessing patterns of human-wildlife conflicts and compensation around a Central Indian protected area. Plos One 7.  Download


Khorozyan, I., A. Ghoddousi, M. Soofi, and M. Waltert. 2015. Big cats kill more livestock when wild prey reaches a minimum threshold. Biological Conservation 192:268-275.  External resource


Madhusudan, M. D. 2003. Living amidst large wildlife: livestock and crop depredation by large mammals in the interior villages of Bhadra Tiger Reserve, south India. Environmental Management 31:466-475.  External resource


McKay, J. E., F. A. V. St. John, A. Harihar, D. Martyr, N. Leader-Williams, B. Milliyanawati, I. Agustin, Y. Anggriawan, Karlina, E. Kartika, F. Mangunjaya, M. J. Struebig, and M. Linkie. 2018. Tolerating tigers: gaining local and spiritual perspectives on human-tiger interactions in Sumatra through rural community interviews. Plos One 13:e0201447.  Download


Miller, J. R. B., Y. V. Jhala, and J. Jena. 2016. Livestock losses and hotspots of attack from tigers and leopards in Kanha Tiger Reserve, Central India. Regional Environmental Change 16:17-29.  External resource


Miller, J. R. B., Y. V. Jhala, J. Jena, and O. J. Schmitz. 2015. Landscape-scale accessibility of livestock to tigers: implications of spatial grain for modeling predation risk to mitigate human–carnivore conflict. Ecology and Evolution 5:1354-1367.  Download


Nair, R., Dhee, O. Patil, N. Surve, A. Andheria, J. D. C. Linnell, and V. Athreya. 2021. Sharing spaces and entanglements with big cats: the Warli and their Waghoba in Maharashtra, India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download


Neo, W. H. Y., M. I. Lubis, and J. S. H. Lee. 2022. Settlements and plantations are sites of human–tiger interactions in Riau, Indonesia. Oryx:1-5.   Download


Nyhus, P. J., and R. Tilson. 2004. Characterizing human-tiger conflict in Sumatra, Indonesia: implications for conservation. Oryx 38:68-74.  External resource


Oommen, M. A. 2021. Beasts in the garden: human-wildlife coexistence in India's past and present. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download


Puri, M., A. Srivathsa, K. K. Karanth, I. Patel, and N. S. Kumar. 2021. Links in a sink: interplay between habitat structure, ecological constraints and interactions with humans can influence connectivity conservation for tigers in forest corridors. Science of The Total Environment:151106.  External resource


Ramesh, T., R. Kalle, K. Sankar, Q. Qureshi, A. J. Giordano, and C. T. Downs. 2019. To resettle or not?: Socioeconomic characteristics, livelihoods, and perceptions toward resolving human-tiger conflict in the Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve, India. Land Use Policy 83:32-46.  External resource


Rostro-Garcia, S., L. Tharchen, L. Abade, C. Astaras, S. A. Cushman, and D. W. Macdonald. 2016. Scale dependence of felid predation risk: identifying predictors of livestock kills by tiger and leopard in Bhutan. Landscape Ecology 31:1277-1298.  External resource


Rubino, E. C., and K. F. Doubleday. 2021. A gendered environmental justice perspective of tiger reintroductions to Sariska Tiger Reserve. Journal of Rural Social Sciences 36:5.  Download


Sangay, T., and K. Vernes. 2008. Human-wildlife conflict in the Kingdom of Bhutan: patterns of livestock predation by large mammalian carnivores. Biological Conservation 141:1272-1282.  External resource


Soh, Y. H., L. R. Carrasco, D. G. Miquelle, J. S. Jiang, J. Yang, E. J. Stokes, J. R. Tang, A. L. Kang, P. Q. Liu, and M. Rao. 2014. Spatial correlates of livestock depredation by Amur tigers in Hunchun, China: relevance of prey density and implications for protected area management. Biological Conservation 169:117-127.  External resource


Struebig, M. J., M. Linkie, N. J. Deere, D. J. Martyr, B. Millyanawati, S. C. Faulkner, S. C. Le Comber, F. M. Mangunjaya, N. Leader-Williams, J. E. McKay, and F. A. V. St. John. 2018. Addressing human-tiger conflict using socio-ecological information on tolerance and risk. Nature Communications 9:3455.  Download


Sukumar, R. 1991. The management of large mammals in relation to male strategies and conflict with people. Biological Conservation 55:93-102.  External resource


Vasudeva, V., P. Ramasamy, R. S. Pal, G. Behera, P. R. Karat, and R. Krishnamurthy. 2021. Factors influencing people's response toward tiger translocation in Satkosia Tiger Reserve, eastern India. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2.  Download


Venumière-Lefebvre, C. C., S. W. Breck, and K. R. Crooks. 2022. A systematic map of human-carnivore coexistence. Biological Conservation 268:109515.  External resource


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Photo credits: The images used throughout this website have been provided by Z. Morris-Trainor, A. Zimmermann, J. Stevens, J. Linnell, R. Amit, A. Ladle, B. Daniels, SCANDLYNX, WCS-India/SGNP, Assam Haathi Project and Chester Zoo.

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