
Guidance Documents
A guidebook to human-carnivore conflict: strategies and tips for effective communication and collaboration with communities (2016). (Wilson, S.M.) External resource
Livestock and wolves: a guide to nonlethal tools and methods to reduce conflicts (2016). (Defenders of Wildlife) External resource
Livestock guarding dogs - cultural heritage icons with a new relevance for mitigating conservation conflicts (2015). (Linnell, J.D.C. and Lescureux, N.) External resource
Exploring traditional husbandry methods to reduce wolf predation on free-ranging cattle in Portugal and Spain. Final report (2014). (European Commission)
Portuguese Download Spanish Download English Download
Practical electric fencing resource guide: controlling predators (2009). (Living with Wildlife Foundation) External resource
Manual prevenção de prejuízos por predadores no gado. (Grupo Lobo) Download
Key Papers
Anderson, R. M. 2021. Killing for the common good? The (bio)politics of wolf management in Washington State. Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene 9. External resource
Arbieu, U., G. Chapron, C. Astaras, N. Bunnefeld, S. Harkins, Y. Iliopoulos, M. Mehring, I. Reinhardt, and T. Mueller. 2021. News selection and framing: the media as a stakeholder in human-carnivore coexistence. Environmental Research Letters. Download
Arbieu, U., K. Helsper, M. Dadvar, T. Mueller, and A. Niamir. 2021. Natural Language Processing as a tool to evaluate emotions in conservation conflicts. Biological Conservation 256:109030. External resource
Arbieu, U., M. Mehring, N. Bunnefeld, P. Kaczensky, I. Reinhardt, H. Ansorge, K. Böhning-Gaese, J. A. Glikman, G. Kluth, C. Nowak, and T. Müller. 2019. Attitudes towards returning wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany: exposure, information sources and trust matter. Biological Conservation 234:202-210. External resource
Bangs, E. E., and J. Shivik. 2001. Managing wolf conflicts with livestock in the Northwest United States. Carnivore Damage Prevention News 3:2-5. Download
Barmoen, M., K. M. Bærum, M. Johansson, and K. E. Mathiesen. 2021. Trust in large carnivore science in Norway. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:98. Download
Behdarvand, N., M. Kaboli, M. Ahmadi, E. Nourani, A. S. Mahini, and M. A. Aghbolaghi. 2014. Spatial risk model and mitigation implications for wolf-human conflict in a highly modified agroecosystem in western Iran. Biological Conservation 177:156-164. External resource
Behr, D. M., A. Ozgul, and G. Cozzi. 2017. Combining human acceptance and habitat suitability in a unified socio-ecological suitability model: a case study of the wolf in Switzerland. Journal of Applied Ecology 54:1919-1929. External resource
Bennett, J., A. Sjölander-Lindqvist, C. Sandström, and S. Larsson. 2022. Addressing the Swedish large carnivore controversy: identifying roadblocks in collaborative governance to reduce conflict. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Blossey, B., and D. Hare. 2022. Myths, wishful thinking, and accountability in predator conservation and management in the United States. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Bogezi, C., L. M. van Eeden, A. J. Wirsing, and J. M. Marzluff. 2021. Ranchers' perspectives on participating in non-lethal wolf-livestock coexistence strategies. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Boitani, L., P. Ciucci, and E. Raganella-Pelliccioni. 2010. Ex-post compensation payments for wolf predation on livestock in Italy: a tool for conservation? Wildlife Research 37:722-730. External resource
Bombieri, G., V. Penteriani, K. Almasieh, H. Ambarlı, M. R. Ashrafzadeh, C. S. Das, N. Dharaiya, R. Hoogesteijn, A. Hoogesteijn, D. Ikanda, W. Jędrzejewski, M. Kaboli, A. Kirilyuk, A. K. Jangid, R. K. Sharma, H. Kushnir, B. R. Lamichhane, A. Mohammadi, O. Monroy-Vilchis, J. M. Mukeka, I. Nikolaev, O. Ohrens, C. Packer, P. Pedrini, S. Ratnayeke, I. Seryodkin, T. Sharp, H. S. Palei, T. Smith, A. Subedi, F. Tortato, K. Yamazaki, and M. d. M. Delgado. 2023. A worldwide perspective on large carnivore attacks on humans. PLOS Biology 21:e3001946. Download
Boronyak, L., B. Jacobs, A. Wallach, J. McManus, S. Stone, S. Stevenson, B. Smuts, and H. Zaranek. 2021. Pathways towards coexistence with large carnivores in production systems. Agriculture and Human Values. External resource
Bradley, E. H., and D. H. Pletscher. 2005. Assessing factors related to wolf depredation of cattle in fenced pastures in Montana and Idaho. Wildlife Society Bulletin 33:1256-1265. External resource
Bradley, E. H., D. H. Pletscher, E. E. Bangs, K. E. Kunkel, D. W. Smith, C. M. Mack, T. J. Meier, J. A. Fontaine, C. C. Niemeyer, and M. D. Jimenez. 2005. Evaluating wolf translocation as a nonlethal method to reduce livestock conflicts in the northwestern United States. Conservation Biology 19:1498-1508. External resource
Browne-Nunez, C., A. Treves, D. MacFarland, Z. Voyles, and C. Turng. 2015. Tolerance of wolves in Wisconsin: a mixed-methods examination of policy effects on attitudes and behavioral inclinations. Biological Conservation 189:59-71. External resource
Bruskotter, J. T., J. A. Vucetich, S. L. Gilbert, N. H. Carter, and K. A. George. 2021. Tragic trade-offs accompany carnivore coexistence in the modern world. Conservation Letters n/a:e412841. Download
Bump, J. K., C. M. Murawski, L. M. Kartano, D. E. Beyer, and B. J. Roell. 2013. Bear-baiting may exacerbate wolf-hunting dog conflict. Plos One 8:7. Download
Carlisle, K. M., H. E. Ellis, L. M. Jaebker, and A. D. Bright. 2022. Producers’ perceptions of large carnivores and nonlethal methods to protect livestock from depredation: findings from a multistate federal initiative. Human Dimensions of Wildlife:1-4. External resource
Carter, N. H., P. Nelson, and T. Easter. 2021. A call for a national collaborative predator coexistence programme. People and Nature. Download
Chapron, G., P. Kaczensky, J. D. C. Linnell, M. von Arx, D. Huber, H. Andren, J. V. Lopez-Bao, M. Adamec, F. Alvares, O. Anders, L. Balciauskas, V. Balys, P. Bedo, F. Bego, J. C. Blanco, U. Breitenmoser, H. Broseth, L. Bufka, R. Bunikyte, P. Ciucci, A. Dutsov, T. Engleder, C. Fuxjager, C. Groff, K. Holmala, B. Hoxha, Y. Iliopoulos, O. Ionescu, J. Jeremic, K. Jerina, G. Kluth, F. Knauer, I. Kojola, I. Kos, M. Krofel, J. Kubala, S. Kunovac, J. Kusak, M. Kutal, O. Liberg, A. Majic, P. Mannil, R. Manz, E. Marboutin, F. Marucco, D. Melovski, K. Mersini, Y. Mertzanis, R. W. Myslajek, S. Nowak, J. Odden, J. Ozolins, G. Palomero, M. Paunovic, J. Persson, H. Potocnik, P. Y. Quenette, G. Rauer, I. Reinhardt, R. Rigg, A. Ryser, V. Salvatori, T. Skrbinsek, A. Stojanov, J. E. Swenson, L. Szemethy, A. Trajce, E. Tsingarska-Sedefcheva, M. Vana, R. Veeroja, P. Wabakken, M. Wofl, S. Wolfl, F. Zimmermann, D. Zlatanova, and L. Boitani. 2014. Recovery of large carnivores in Europe's modern human-dominated landscapes. Science 346:1517-1519. External resource
Chen, P. J., Y. F. Gao, A. T. L. Lee, L. Cering, K. Shi, and S. G. Clark. 2016. Human-carnivore coexistence in Qomolangma (Mt. Everest) Nature Reserve, China: patterns and compensation. Biological Conservation 197:18-26. External resource
Cinque, S., A. Sjölander-Lindqvist, and C. Sandström. 2021. Frontline bureaucrats in wildlife management: caught in the dilemma between effectiveness and responsiveness. Environmental Policy and Governance. Download
Cretois, B., J. D. C. Linnell, B. Van Moorter, P. Kaczensky, E. B. Nilsen, J. Parada, and J. K. Rød. 2021. Coexistence of large mammals and humans is possible in Europe's anthropogenic landscapes. iScience 24. Download
Dalerum, F. 2021. Socioeconomic characteristics of suitable wolf habitat in Sweden. Ambio 50:1259–1268. External resource
Davoli, M., A. Ghoddousi, F. M. Sabatini, E. Fabbri, R. Caniglia, and T. Kuemmerle. 2022. Changing patterns of conflict between humans, carnivores and crop-raiding prey as large carnivores recolonize human-dominated landscapes. Biological Conservation 269:109553. Download
Dietsch, A. M., T. L. Teel, and M. J. Manfredo. 2016. Social values and biodiversity conservation in a dynamic world. Conservation Biology 30:1212-1221. External resource
Ditmer, M. A., G. Wittemyer, S. W. Breck, and K. R. Crooks. 2022. Defining ecological and socially suitable habitat for the reintroduction of an apex predator. Global Ecology and Conservation:e02192. Download
Doney, E. D., B. Frank, Z. Khan, T. Windle, A. T. Ford, C. Olive, J. K. Scherger, B. Williams, D. Hetu, D. Peters, Wišqii, Y. Zharikov, B. Hansen, S. Forbes, S. Coulson, and D. A. Clark. 2023. Wild about wolves: using collaboration and innovation to bridge parks, people, and predators. Conservation Science and Practice 5:e12949. Download
Ericsson, G., and T. A. Heberlein. 2003. Attitudes of hunters, locals, and the general public in Sweden now that the wolves are back. Biological Conservation 111:149-159. External resource
Eriksson, M., C. Sandström, and G. Ericsson. 2015. Direct experience and attitude change towards bears and wolves. Wildlife Biology 21:131-137. Download
Fedyń, I., K. Bojarska, N. Gerber, and H. Okarma. 2022. Blood trail of expansion? Long-term patterns of livestock depredation by wolves in Poland. Ecological Research. External resource
Fernandez-Gil, A., J. Naves, A. Ordiz, M. Quevedo, E. Revilla, and M. Delibes. 2016. Conflict misleads large carnivore management and conservation: brown bears and wolves in Spain. Plos One 11:13. Download
Flykt, A., A. Eklund, J. Frank, and M. Johansson. 2022. “Landscape of stress” for sheep owners in the Swedish wolf region. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. Download
Fonturbel, F. E., and J. A. Simonetti. 2011. Translocations and human-carnivore conflicts: problem solving or problem creating? Wildlife Biology 17:217-224. Download
Frank, J., and A. Eklund. 2017. Poor construction, not time, takes its toll on subsidised fences designed to deter large carnivores. Plos One 12:e0175211. Download
Frank, J., Johansson, M. and Flykt, A. 2015. Public attitude towards the implementation of management actions aimed at reducing human fear of brown bears and wolves. Wildlife Biology 21:122-130. Download
Gehring, T. M., K. C. VerCauteren, M. L. Provost, and A. C. Cellar. 2010. Utility of livestock-protection dogs for deterring wildlife from cattle farms. Wildlife Research 37:715-721. External resource
Gervasi, V., J. D. C. Linnell, T. Berce, L. Boitani, R. Cerne, P. Ciucci, B. Cretois, D. Derron-Hilfiker, C. Duchamp, A. Gastineau, O. Grente, D. Huber, Y. Iliopoulos, A. A. Karamanlidis, I. Kojola, F. Marucco, Y. Mertzanis, P. Männil, H. Norberg, N. Pagon, L. Pedrotti, P.-Y. Quenette, S. Reljic, V. Salvatori, T. Talvi, M. von Arx, and O. Gimenez. 2021. Ecological correlates of large carnivore depredation on sheep in Europe. Global Ecology and Conservation 30:e01798. Download
Gervasi, V., V. Salvatori, G. Catullo, and P. Ciucci. 2021. Assessing trends in wolf impact on livestock through verified claims in historical vs. recent areas of occurrence in Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:82. External resource
Glikman, J. A., A. J. Bath, and J. J. Vaske. 2010. Segmenting normative beliefs regarding wolf management in central Italy. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 15:347-358. External resource
Glikman, J. A., J. J. Vaske, A. J. Bath, P. Ciucci, and L. Boitani. 2012. Residents' support for wolf and bear conservation: the moderating influence of knowledge. European Journal of Wildlife Research 58:295-302. External resource
Goljani Amirkhiz, R., J. K. Frey, J. W. Cain, S. W. Breck, and D. L. Bergman. 2018. Predicting spatial factors associated with cattle depredations by the Mexican wolf (Canis lupus baileyi) with recommendations for depredation risk modeling. Biological Conservation 224:327-335. External resource
Grossmann, C. M., L. Patkó, D. Ortseifen, E. Kimmig, E.-M. Cattoen, and U. Schraml. 2020. Human-large carnivores co-existence in Europe – a comparative stakeholder network analysis. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 8. Download
Haidt, A., R. Gawryś, and M. Szewczyk. 2021. Human decision-making as a key factor in the risk of wolf–dog interactions during outdoor activities. Animals 11:2497. Download
Hansen, H. P., C. S. Dethlefsen, G. F. Fox, and A. S. Jeppesen. 2022. Mediating human-wolves conflicts through dialogue, joint fact-finding and empowerment. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10. Download
Jacobsen, K. S., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2016. Perceptions of environmental justice and the conflict surrounding large carnivore management in Norway - implications for conflict management. Biological Conservation 203:197-206. External resource
Johansson, M., I. A. Ferreira, O. G. Stoen, J. Frank, and A. Flykt. 2016. Targeting human fear of large carnivores - many ideas but few known effects. Biological Conservation 201:261-269. External resource
Jürgens, U. M., M. Grinko, A. Szameitat, L. Hieber, R. Fischbach, and M. Hunziker. 2023. Managing wolves is managing narratives: views of wolves and nature shape people’s proposals for navigating human-wolf relations. Human Ecology. Download
Jürgens, U. M., and P. M. W. Hackett. 2017. The big bad wolf: the formation of a stereotype. Ecopsychology 9:33-43. External resource
Kachel, S., K. Anderson, and Q. Shokirov. 2022. Predicting carnivore habitat use and livestock depredation risk with false-positive multi-state occupancy models. Biological Conservation 271:109588. External resource
Karlsson, J., and M. Sjostrom. 2007. Human attitudes towards wolves, a matter of distance. Biological Conservation 137:610-616. External resource
Karlsson, J., and M. Sjostrom. 2008. Direct use values and passive use values: implications for conservation of large carnivores. Biodiversity and Conservation 17:883-891. External resource
Karlsson, J., and M. Sjöström. 2011. Subsidized fencing of livestock as a means of increasing tolerance for wolves. Ecology and Society 16. Download
Khorozyan, I., and M. Heurich. 2022. Large-scale sheep losses to wolves (Canis lupus) in Germany are related to the expansion of the wolf population but not to increasing wolf numbers. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. Download
Kiffner, C., S. Uthes, E.-F. Ostermann-Miyashita, V. Harms, and H. J. König. 2022. Patterns of livestock loss associated with a recolonizing wolf population in Germany. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Klich, D., M. Sobczuk, S. M. Basak, I. A. Wierzbowska, A. Tallian, M. Hędrzak, B. Popczyk, and K. Żoch. 2021. Predation on livestock as an indicator of drastic prey decline? The indirect effects of an African swine fever epidemic on predator–prey relations in Poland. Ecological Indicators 133:108419. Download
Komi, S., and A. Nygren. 2023. Bad wolves? Political ecology of responsibility and more-than-human perspectives in human–wildlife interactions. Society & Natural Resources:1-19. Download
König, H. J., C. Kiffner, K. Kuhls, S. Uthes, V. Harms, and R. Wieland. 2023. Planning for wolf-livestock coexistence: landscape context predicts livestock depredation risk in agricultural landscapes. animal:100719. Download
Lance, N. J., S. W. Breck, C. Sime, P. Callahan, and J. A. Shivik. 2010. Biological, technical, and social aspects of applying electrified fladry for livestock protection from wolves (Canis lupus). Wildlife Research 37:708-714. External resource
Larsson, S., S. O. Larsson, J. Bennett, and A. Sjölander-Lindqvist. 2022. Contextualizing negative attitudes to wildlife and wildlife governance in the moral economy of Swedish farmers. Frontiers in Conservation Science 3. Download
Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2010. Knowledge and perceptions of Macedonian hunters and herders: the influence of species specific ecology of bears, wolves, and lynx. Human Ecology 38:389-399. External resource
Lescureux, N., and J. D. C. Linnell. 2014. Warring brothers: the complex interactions between wolves (Canis lupus) and dogs (Canis familiaris) in a conservation context. Biological Conservation 171:232-245. External resource
Li, C. L., Z. G. Jiang, C. W. Li, S. H. Tang, F. Li, Z. H. Luo, X. G. Ping, Z. Liu, J. Chen, and H. X. Fang. 2015. Livestock depredations and attitudes of local pastoralists toward carnivores in the Qinghai Lake Region, China. Wildlife Biology 21:204-212. Download
Li, X. Y., P. Buzzard, Y. C. Chen, and X. L. Jiang. 2013. Patterns of livestock predation by carnivores: human-wildlife conflict in Northwest Yunnan, China. Environmental Management 52:1334-1340. External resource
Lin, H., P. Żebrowski, B. D. Fath, H. Liljenström, and E. Rovenskaya. 2021. Modelling stakeholder satisfaction for conflict resolution in wildlife management: a case of wolf population in Sweden. European Journal of Wildlife Research 67:61. Download
Linnell, J. D. C. 2013. From conflict to coexistence: insights from multi-disciplinary research into the relationships between people, large carnivores and institutions. Istituto di Ecologia Applicata, Rome. Download
Linnell, J. D. C., R. Aanes, J. E. Swenson, J. Odden, and M. E. Smith. 1997. Translocation of carnivores as a method for managing problem animals: a review. Biodiversity and Conservation 6:1245-1257. External resource
Linnell, J. D. C., J. Odden, M. E. Smith, R. Aanes, and J. E. Swenson. 1999. Large carnivores that kill livestock: do "problem individuals" really exist? Wildlife Society Bulletin 27:698-705. Download
Linnell, J. D. C., J. E. Swenson, and R. Andersen. 2001. Predators and people: conservation of large carnivores is possible at high human densities if management policy is favourable. Animal Conservation 4:345-349. Download
Mabille, G., A. Stien, T. Tveraa, A. Mysterud, H. Broseth, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2015. Sheep farming and large carnivores: what are the factors influencing claimed losses? Ecosphere 6:17. Download
Mabille, G., A. Stien, T. Tveraa, A. Mysterud, H. Brøseth, and J. D. C. Linnell. 2016. Mortality and lamb body mass growth in free‐ranging domestic sheep – environmental impacts including lethal and non‐lethal impacts of predators. Ecography 39:763-773. External resource
Mahajan, P., R. Chaudhary, A. Kazi, and D. Khandal. 2022. Spatial determinants of livestock depredation and human attitude toward wolves in Kailadevi Wildlife Sanctuary, Rajasthan, India. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. Download
Marino, A., J. C. Blanco, J. A. Cortes-Vazquez, J. V. Lopez-Bao, A. P. Bosch, and S. M. Durant. 2022. Environmentalities of coexistence with wolves in the Cantabrian Mountains of Spain. Conservation and Society 20:345-357. Download
Manfredo, M. J., R. E. Berl, T. L. Teel, and J. T. Bruskotter. 2021. Bringing social values to wildlife conservation decisions. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment. Download
Marino, A., C. Braschi, S. Ricci, V. Salvatori, and P. Ciucci. 2016. Ex post and insurance-based compensation fail to increase tolerance for wolves in semi-agricultural landscapes of central Italy. European Journal of Wildlife Research 62:227-240. External resource
Marino, A., P. Ciucci, S. M. Redpath, S. Ricci, J. Young, and V. Salvatori. 2021. Broadening the toolset for stakeholder engagement to explore consensus over wolf management. Journal of Environmental Management 296:113125. External resource
Martin, J. V., K. Epstein, R. M. Anderson, and S. Charnley. 2021. Coexistence praxis: the role of resource managers in wolf-livestock interactions on federal lands. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Mathiesen, K. E., M. Barmoen, K. M. Bærum, and M. Johansson. 2021. Trust in researchers and researchers' statements in large carnivore conservation. People and Nature. Download
Mayer, M., K. Olsen, B. Schulz, J. Matzen, C. Nowak, P. F. Thomsen, M. M. Hansen, C. Vedel-Smith, and P. Sunde. 2022. Occurrence and livestock depredation patterns by wolves in highly cultivated landscapes. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. Download
Mazur, K. E., and S. T. Asah. 2013. Clarifying standpoints in the gray wolf recovery conflict: procuring management and policy forethought. Biological Conservation 167:79-89. External resource
Milheiras, S., and I. Hodge. 2011. Attitudes towards compensation for wolf damage to livestock in Viana do Castelo, North of Portugal. Innovation-the European Journal of Social Science Research 24:333-351. External resource
Mishra, C. 1997. Livestock depredation by large carnivores in the Indian trans-Himalaya: conflict perceptions and conservation prospects. Environmental Conservation 24:338-343. External resource
Morehouse, A. T., and M. S. Boyce. 2011. From venison to beef: seasonal changes in wolf diet composition in a livestock grazing landscape. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 9:440-445. Download
Morehouse, A. T., C. Hughes, N. Manners, J. Bectell, and J. Tigner. 2021. Dealing with deadstock: a case study of carnivore conflict mitigation from southwestern Alberta. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Muhly, T. B., and M. Musiani. 2009. Livestock depredation by wolves and the ranching economy in the Northwestern US. Ecological Economics 68:2439-2450. External resource
Musiani, M., C. Mamo, L. Boitani, C. Callaghan, C. C. Gates, L. Mattei, E. VisalberghiI, S. Breck, and G. VolpiI. 2003. Wolf depredation trends and the use of barriers to protect livestock in western North America. Conservation Biology 17:1-10. External resource
Naughton-Treves, L., R. Grossberg, and A. Treves. 2003. Paying for tolerance: rural citizens' attitudes toward wolf depredation and compensation. Conservation Biology 17:1500-1511. External resource
Nie, M. A. 2001. The sociopolitical dimensions of wolf management and restoration in the United States. Human Ecology Review 8:1-12. External resource
Nie, M. A. 2002. Wolf recovery and management as value-based political conflict. Ethics, Place & Environment 5:65-71. External resource
Niedziałkowski, K., A. Sidorovich, V. Kireyeu, and A. Shkaruba. 2021. Stimuli and barriers to innovation in wildlife policy – long-term institutional analysis of wolf management in Belarus. Innovation: The European Journal of Social Science Research:1-21. External resourc
Oliveira, T., A. Treves, J. V. López-Bao, and M. Krofel. 2021. The contribution of the LIFE program to mitigating damages caused by large carnivores in Europe. Global Ecology and Conservation 31:e01815. Download
Olson, E. R., A. Treves, A. P. Wydeven, and S. J. Ventura. 2015. Landscape predictors of wolf attacks on bear-hunting dogs in Wisconsin, USA. Wildlife Research 41:584-597. External resource
Ordiz, A., D. Canestrari, and J. Echegaray. 2022. Wolf conservation and management in Spain, an open debate. Frontiers in Environmental Science 10. Download
Pahuja, M., and R. K. Sharma. 2021. Wild predators, livestock, and free ranging dogs: patterns of livestock mortality and attitudes of people toward predators in an urbanizing Trans-Himalayan landscape. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Pate, J., M. J. Manfredo, A. D. Bright, and G. Tischbein. 1996. Coloradans' attitudes toward reintroducing the gray wolf into Colorado. Wildlife Society Bulletin 24:421-428. External resource
Penteriani, V., M. D. Delgado, F. Pinchera, J. Naves, A. Fernandez-Gil, I. Kojola, S. Harkonen, H. Norberg, J. Frank, J. M. Fedriani, V. Sahlen, O. G. Stoen, J. E. Swenson, P. Wabakken, M. Pellegrini, S. Herrero, and J. V. Lopez-Bao. 2016. Human behaviour can trigger large carnivore attacks in developed countries. Scientific Reports 6:8. Download
Pettersson, H. L., C. H. Quinn, G. Holmes, S. M. Sait, and J. V. López-Bao. 2021. Welcoming wolves? Governing the return of large carnivores in traditional pastoral landscapes. Frontiers in Conservation Science 2. Download
Pettersson, H. L., C. H. Quinn, G. Holmes, and S. M. Sait. 2021. “They belong here”: understanding the conditions of human-wolf coexistence in north-western Spain. Conservation & Society. External resource
Pimenta, V., I. Barroso, L. Boitani, and P. Beja. 2018. Risks a la carte: modelling the occurrence and intensity of wolf predation on multiple livestock species. Biological Conservation 228:331-342. External resource
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Rode, J., L. Flinzberger, R. Karutz, A. Berghöfer, and C. Schröter-Schlaack. 2021. Why so negative? Exploring the socio-economic impacts of large carnivores from a European perspective. Biological Conservation 255:108918. External resource
Rondinini, C., and L. Boitani. 2007. Systematic conservation planning and the cost of tackling conservation conflicts with large carnivores in Italy. Conservation Biology 21:1455-1462. External resource
Rosen, T., S. Hussain, G. Mohammad, R. Jackson, J. E. Janecka, and S. Michel. 2012. Reconciling sustainable development of mountain communities with large carnivore conservation lessons from Pakistan. Mountain Research and Development 32:286-293. Download
Roskaft, E., T. Bjerke, B. Kaltenborn, J. D. C. Linnell, and R. Andersen. 2003. Patterns of self-reported fear towards large carnivores among the Norwegian public. Evolution and Human Behavior 24:184-198. External resource
Salvatori, V., E. Balian, J. C. Blanco, X. Carbonell, P. Ciucci, L. Demeter, A. Marino, A. Panzavolta, A. Sólyom, Y. von Korff, and J. C. Young. 2021. Are large carnivores the real issue? Solutions for improving conflict management through stakeholder participation. Sustainability 13:4482. Download
Sands, D. 2022. Dewilding 'wolf-land' exploring the historical dimensions of human-wildlife conflict and coexistence in Ireland. Conservation and Society 20:257-267. Download
Santiago-Avila, F. J., A. M. Cornman, and A. Treves. 2018. Killing wolves to prevent predation on livestock may protect one farm but harm neighbors. Plos One 13:e0189729. Download
Schroeder, S. A., A. C. Landon, D. C. Fulton, and L. E. McInenly. 2021. Social identity, values, and trust in government: How stakeholder group, ideology, and wildlife value orientations relate to trust in a state agency for wildlife management. Biological Conservation 261:109285. External resource
Schroeder, S. A., A. C. Landon, D. C. Fulton, and L. E. McInenly. 2022. On the multiple identities of stakeholders in wolf management in Minnesota, United States. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution 10. Download
Serenari, C. 2021. Conservation reliance and its influence on support for carnivore recovery. Conservation Science and Practice 3:e382. Download
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